Thank you thank you guys
Anyway, there will also be autographed B-quartet giveaways up for grabs
Bit by bit we're trying to get more and more editorial space for local acts. Hopefully if the path continues, others will take that up also. I'm so sick of being the underdogs in our own country. And I believe, gradually, a change will come, but only if we can get our a$$es up and show that we want it bad enough.
It's more than the usual amount. We pushed to have more distributed this month in hopes that we cast a bigger net - that it can be done, that it can sell, and we'll be damned if it doesn't lol.
Thanks for the support thus far But it wasn't only me. It's thanks to all the bands who participated so enthusiasitcally and came down to the office just to pass the tracks. And it's also the rest of the team who were keen to take up that challenge and risk. Hopefully it pays off
My personal favourite track is the one from The Full Pledge Munkees and Peepshow.
Some of the bands will be releasing albums in the upcoming months also, and I guarantee you each and every album will be either reviewed or featured in an interview. Personal guarantee