a must pedal for bass??

cherns said:
I bought one of those EBS microbasses through a HK dealer before with the intention of using it as a DI/splitter/EQ box... never really happened tho :p

Now I just play clean through my REDDI.

hello cherns??!?!?! TUBE DI LEH!!!!! ... goodness ... if EBS made tube DIs ... i'd consider getting one ...
sorri for being random. i play rock... erm... more jrock influenced. i am keen to get/know more bout overdrive pedals. been looking via this forums and have some names in mind.

1)BOSS ODB-3 overdrice
2)MXR M-80 D.I+
3)Tech 21 XXX
4)sansamp bass driver DI
5)Digitech bass driver
6)fulltone bass driver.

if i am not wrong, these r some of the overdrive pedals around(correct me PLZ!) i heard the demo of BOSS and digi but not the rest. for sansamp, it states that it is a pedal and preamp(wtf?). my bass has a preamp inside it. does it mean i dun need another preamp? another question i have is, of all the pedal, which do u recommend? i have a budget of roughly 160. the ideal sound of mine sounds like an overdriven bass with a clear metal sound, but not overdriven till its fuzzy.. a full and metal sound that is.
hmm... ok, i'll try to help. IMO, the boss odb3 is good enuff for me for overdriven tones. you whack the eq/drive more, can get sort of a metallish sound. Can make do as a weak fuzz if you like.

Haven't tried a digitech or xxl one before, but the rest is beyond your budget... doubt you can get second hand ones even with 160. Sansamp... i use it more for it's preamp rather than it's driver. In fact, i hardly/almost never touch the drive knob. The M-80 DI you can ask 3notesabar and the fulltone bass driver can ask superkicky.

Preamp.... if you like the tone of your bass and it's versatile enuff to play everything you play, then... actually no point getting a preamp. But if you think your preamp doesn't define your mids/bass/treble as much as you like it to, then can try to get one, play around and see

hope that helped :D
I want the EBS microbass! But... I already have 3 channels of drive. And an outboard preamp. And the only thing I'm willing to take off my board is the outboard preamp :/

superkicky said:
I want the EBS microbass! But... I already have 3 channels of drive. And an outboard preamp. And the only thing I'm willing to take off my board is the outboard preamp :/


easy ... give me your pedal board and it'll solve the space problems .. =)
drive4: from that list I've only tried the ODB-3, sansamp and digitech. The Digitech is quite versatile but is obscenely weak for fuzz. Its overdrive didn't feel quite as natural as I wanted it to, but maybe that was just me...but it's rather good for high-gain distortion. Although with tweaking you may find what you want in there. Don't buy it solely based on the audio samples, which is the mistake I made. The ODB-3, for low-end/lower-gain overdrive I preferred it to the Digitech but at higher stages I didn't quite like it, in the end opted for a Big Muff when I compared the two. I didn't quite fancy the drive on the Sansamp either.

Best way is to just try them all out and compare.

But for 160 you could probably only get the ODB-3 or the Digitech...actually if you're interested in the Digi I could sell you mine if you want :P
Oh yeah, forgot to reply to the topic:

1)BOSS ODB-3 overdrive
Owned one for a couple of months, it's an *okay* overdrive but it seems to lack a transition from light to moderate OD. Good if you want a distorted sound, but don't expect subtlety or boutique-level cleaning up. Don't push it unless you get it modded, either... if the OD is too high, you get that bag-of-bees sound which may be annoying to you.

2)MXR M-80 D.I+
Tone shaping is not bad but the overdrive is very harsh and unrefined. 3nab has one, maybe you can ask him on how it is for him :)

3)Tech 21 XXX
Never tried

4)sansamp bass driver DI
I'd rate the tone shaping on this one better than the M80 and the ODB-3. The overdrive was also more natural for me, but I wasn't using it at a very high setting - just to give my bass a little bit of dirt. Liked this one, but sold it because I got the Fulltone :)

5)Digitech bass driver
Never tried, but I don't have a good impression of Digitech bass products after trying out their bass compressor. Then again, I could be wrong. Your best bet is to actually try one for yourself and see how it performs for your use.

6)fulltone bass driver.
No real tone shaping available on this one (the tone knob is more of a hi-cut knob), but as long as you've got a good enough bass (or a preamp to back it up), your low end will be retained very well. However, it does lose a little low-end when pushed all the way, but nothing you or the crowd would notice when performing. Very natural overdrive, very good overdrive as well! My favourite :D
imo, you'll get a better useful sound if u add in an eq after the od.. the trick is to blend the od with the overall band sound. but other factors do change the taste of the soup, eg the preamp, input vol and ur finger attack, cuz an od pedal is sensitive to the input and ur overall touches...

that being said, i had fun plugged my bass in tru a 3 proggrammable channel line6 DM4 and an eq after that. chan1: verse, chan2: chorus, chan3: SOLO!!!!!
other od's dat ive tried: ds-1, modded ds1, m80, ts9, odb3 , od3, mt1, sabddi, tech21 XXXL,

ouhh, adding a chorus pedal thickens the sound to a certain degree.

so you'll have the preamp, od, eq, chorus, comp.
in the end you end up with tons of pedals ryte!!
hehe, i guess so......
eh guys... i'm going to bangkok this coming december... prolly going to spend a couple of hundreds on pedals... bout 250... what can i buy with my small budget... first time pedal srut wannabe...
wow thanks for the replies.
iverson763, my bass has a preamp which boost the bass and temble. is that wad u were talking bout?

yourgrandpa, i will be trying out these pedals and wouldnt mind getting a 2nd hand digi from u :)

superkicky, regarding OD3, what do u mean by "Don't push it unless you get it modded"?

felytone, does eq means Bass Equalizer? i thou such eq setting can be found on better amps?

from demos, the tone of a light od-3 overdrive is the closest to wad i am looking for.. but far from it. once the gain is boosted higher, it becomes fuzzy. and i listened to the demo of boss Bass Equalizer. i can feel the metal coming. :( maybe its more than a pedal i need haha.. playing music is exp. alrite back to topic. can i conclude that pple start off with BOSS(for example, as it is cheaper) and move on to fulltone and MRX which may offer more than juz the drive?
yourgrandpa said:
do you have a particular sound in mind?

something nice and classic... church tones? i've got a ibanez rd500...mm and j pickups and i'm still messing around with it... if anyone knows what i can get in bangkok...preferbly something that i cant find in sg or something that's a whole lot cheaper there. THANKS!
drive4 said:
can i conclude that pple start off with BOSS(for example, as it is cheaper) and move on to fulltone and MRX which may offer more than juz the drive?

not necessarily, if what you want can be found on the Fulltone or MXR and not a Boss, why go for the Boss? well unless it's budget constraints of course...or if you get a Boss and are happy with it, there's no reason to make yourself go for the MXR or Fulltone. There's no set rule as to what brand of pedals you should buy; it's all just a matter of personal preference.

ahkiatt said:
if anyone knows what i can get in bangkok...preferbly something that i cant find in sg or something that's a whole lot cheaper there.

sorry man, never been to Bangkok, have no idea what there is there. :oops:
3notesAbar said:

Seriously...This pedal is worth the money, especially locally. Its 400+ USD, but also 400+ sing!!!!!! Oh yeah, it does look fancy la..But its really a utility pedal for bassists.

I bought one!

It's transparent, versatile and a lifesaver for bassist who live in HDB and needs to practice at night due to the headphone out.

Now I can practice late at night without worrying abt the men in blue.

The effects loop is also a sweet touch =)
ahkiatt said:
yourgrandpa said:
do you have a particular sound in mind?

something nice and classic... church tones? i've got a ibanez rd500...mm and j pickups and i'm still messing around with it... if anyone knows what i can get in bangkok...preferbly something that i cant find in sg or something that's a whole lot cheaper there. THANKS!

where do you go in bangkok to buy effects? my folks are going in dec too, i may want them to help me get some, heh.
i was looking thru some of the stuff on their websites. tobias warwick and musicman all there... sterlings stingrays... even mesa heads... am hoping for a good deal to come byy.