a lot of hum...


New member
hum hum hum...
i've got some hum from my AD30VT when I hooked up all my pedals..sometimes it's really irritating..need some advice on some method or pedal that can make that hum go away.............thanks
there can be many reasons theres hum, could be the cable, the pups, the pedal input/output jacks, etc. test pedal by pedal, or if thats a pain in the ass, you can try noise supressors, they're SUPPOSED to work.
i've tested each pedal..it seems like dano reverb is the most noisy..
is noise supressor the same as noise gate?
you'll need the humdebugger! hahaha...

what power supply are you using to power up the pedal?

have you modified your amp power plug to a 3 pin?
Do check for sources of hum first... it might be external, perhaps a poorly grounded power source? Interference from a Transformer, lighting? Air Conditioning? Anything?

Don't hop on to the noise suppression thing yet... better to find out if there is a problem in the first place, then to just, you know, sweep dirt under the carpet.
not yet..the plug is still 2 pin.

shred cow
i think it's the reverb pedal as it makes the laoudest noise. if i disconnect it from the chain, there's just a little hum..

thanks for your advice..
just get a computer 3 pin plug from sim lim or any friendly computer store and earth the amp as well, that might help with the little hum without the dano. :)