A guitar tone control, in the form of a pedal?


New member
hi, im wondering if theres such pedal available in the market?

i change pickups/adjust tone knob while playing a lot and it would be much easier if the tone control came in the form of a stompbox or something. Im using a TS7 tone control at the moment, but the tone i get from it isnt similar from the one of the guitar.
theres this thing which is sort of tone control in a box format, but not exactly what you are looking for....or perhaps an eq pedal.

Example is the one below, or the one which catalinbread did for a limited period of time.

A wah pedal is probably the closest thing to something that does what you're looking for. Maybe adjust the position of the pot (in say a vox wah, no experience with any other) so that sweeping the pedal doesn't pass the frequency peak that that gives the pronounced vocal "wah" sound.

Either that or the Boss twin EQ pedal with 10+1 preset eqs.

But then again with the Boss EQ you can only access 1+1 presets at any one time by footswitch unless you do that mod for an external switch but even then you can only scroll through the presets in one direction.

Maybe someone can build a pedal like that up. Tone control housed in a volume pedal.
You could install a tone pot into a pedal. Really. I've seen a product like that... 1 vol and 1 tone, passive, power for the LED only.
Hi! You could try some EQ pedals. MXR 6-band, Boss GE etc
Probably helps to shape your tones in a more customized manner :P
six-string said:
i change pickups/adjust tone knob while playing a lot and it would be much easier if the tone control came in the form of a stompbox or something.

i fail to see why adjust tone from pedal is easier while you are playing. Don't you need to bend down and stop playing to adjust the tone in that case?
dude!! it can be used as filter ...eg like diff flavour for intro then stomp into main riff ....somthing like that :D
sometimes active filters like a Parametric or a Graphic EQ sounds less natural when compared to a passive tone control with some active boosting.

its weird but its true IMHO.
popeye said:
i fail to see why adjust tone from pedal is easier while you are playing. Don't you need to bend down and stop playing to adjust the tone in that case?

when its in the form of a pedal, you dont have to adjust the knob to the exact position when its on a guitar.
six-string said:
popeye said:
i fail to see why adjust tone from pedal is easier while you are playing. Don't you need to bend down and stop playing to adjust the tone in that case?

when its in the form of a pedal, you dont have to adjust the knob to the exact position when its on a guitar.

8O Wow. How?
Actually, from what you say, you probably want a varitone pot instead. Cheaper, more convenient for what you want too.
just turn adjust the knob to your liking on the pedal and its just a matter of stepping on the stomp box to turn it on, no more hit or miss tone adjustment on the guitar, especially when you're busy playing and need to adjust tone in a flash.

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