a guitar that can chug and play classic rock


New member
Is there a guitar that can chug and play classic rock at the same time? I've been looking for a guitar like this for quite some time, but given my limited technical knowledge, I can't find it! if anyone of you know such a guitar exists, please kindly enlighten me!
do you have any recordings of your playing? also, which guitar you own currently and which are the ones you have tried?
No I dun have a recording of my own and I currently own an epiphone les paul, I'm a pretty lazy person when it comes to trying out gears and all I have try is jus a japanese fender strat which I dun really like, it has something to do with the feel of the guitar or something like dat. I have heard pretty good things bout the PRS custom 24. Has anyone try it before? Is it a versatile guitar? I was looking to buy a guitar which can chug and play classic rock............
get a lespaul... set neck ones, not those epiphone special ones.. usually have quite good sustain, plus with a mahogany body, it gives a lil more depth and bass to ur tone..
You do know that the ability to chug and play classic-rock does not fall solely on the guitar?
both PRS and LP will be good. but for classic rock i think i did go with the LP.

PRS generally have warmer tones and i feel classic rock has a slightly cleaner tone. i don't mean clean, but cleaner than the PRS.

actually i think fender will be a good choice, but then... you don't like it. so case close. :)
Why can't your epi LP chug and play classic rock?

Rollercoaster, I feel you are doing something thats just more impulse than carefully thought thru.

Your Epi is good enough to play chug and classic rock. Unless you tell me you got a dead piece of wood that DOES NOT resonant at all.

I don't see why you should get another guitar, especially a PRS. Can you afford one btw?

Work with the axe you have first. IMO, its good enough for chug and classic rock.

Your query encompass more than just the guitar. Like what Phil said, it can be anything else, setup, gear, technique and so on.

Do think about it carefully, and seek help from your friends who are more experienced.
Rollercoaster, you should really try to record something for us to listen so that we can pinpoint on what is lacking.
LP is made for these kind of genres.. you want tight bottom ends? you got it.. LP is a very versatile axe IMHO. look at all the guitar greats who play those particular genre.. Slash,Zakk Wylde.. both use LP.. so problem may not lie in your gear, it may be with you :wink:
A Bros,,,,not to sound annoying to u guys,i dont quite understand abt this "Which guitar/pup can give me that chugga sound"...I mean c'mon,,,and trust me if u want to,,,,,,,

if one of u finally buy that thousands over dollars PRS,IBANEZ,GIBSON,FENDER and etc guitars,theres no point if yr amps and efx all sucks...Then u go to pups thing...Still not happy with it and feel u waste alot of money on the axe..And finally the guitar endup at Luther ads and guitar shops for sale. :lol:

I can ensure u guys,bring any cheap looking guitars,be it squier,cheap Fender,MIK Epi LP with stock pups ofcourse,plug it to a thousand $$$$ amp/efx,u WILL likely get the huge FXXXing wall of the sound...Thats when u upgrade yr guitar/pup for better response and feel or vise versa if u prefer.Thats when u realise that amps and efx is the majority of yer tone.

Heres the story abt the great bluesman stevie ray vaughan that i read somewhere in the magazine or web,,, i cant remember:

He used to play through shitty fender amps in the beginning,as usual he abused his fender guitar on stage then come this one fine day,his buddies were listening to him and realised that his tone was awful!And they told him straight after the show.Stevie too said he cant get the tone out of the fender amp.And so he searched and found bunch of amps that he liked.And used those amps for most part of his career.Not forgetting the tubescreamers.got compliment for his signature tone in the process.

So tats just my $1000 :lol: :lol:

Its still yer $$$$,Yr move.....

So now u......

GO Fish abt the moral of the story :weedman:
both your strat and your LP can do both genres.

if you don't get the sound, consider 1) your technique 2) your amp 3) your pedals 4) your pickups.

1) Try to hit your strings harder.
2) A small 8" speaker amp is not going to give you excellent bass response. this might be one reason why you don't get the "chug".
3) Some pedals chug better - overdrive pedals are less likely to give you a heavy effect than a distortion pedal. However, these pedals tend to be subject to the headroom and physical/ddesign aspects of the amp.
4) Some like to buy high output pickups to get the chug. Personally I prefer tweaking the amp settings.
les paul's have really nice warm tone ... so its realitively easy to chug when u palm mute ... try using higher bass eq in ur amp ??
Hmm....thanks for the response, actually I can chug with my epiphone les paul, but the sound is like "almost there and yet not there".I'm one of those guys who can't stand spending hours and hours trying to nail a tone, (my record time of playing around with my amp settings at home is like 10 mins and I almost go crazy, the more I listen the more blur I become)plus I dun have a 100 watt amp to fool around with. 30 seconds of fiddling with the eq on my amp and that's it, I jus need a crunch and then I'm going. I guess what I'm trying to say is what my epiphone can come up with is jus second graded diluted version of the real chug and classic rock tone. And what I want is the real deal, that's why I'm asking you guys to give me suggestions on what kinda guitar is more suitable.
A number of you guys have the les paul in mind, so um what if I buy a les paul now, do I need to change the pickup? What kinda of pickup is most suitable for chug and classic tone? Or do I need to buy a 100 watt amplifer to get that chug tone? I was thinking of getting the ultimate guitar that can chug and play classic rock cos I can bring the guitar everywhere I go, but to think that I jus found out I need a F****** 100 watt amp for that chug and have to carry the amp everywhere I go to get that chug tone! That doesn't sound too cool isn't it? :cry:
do not despair. many of of us who do not own big amps, reinforce our tones with pedals, knowing which one to get is a good move.

however, acquiring a good amp is IMO more adviseable. since acquiring an amp i like, i've been largely pedal-free & every guitar sounds right.
i think u should have some ideas wat kind of tone u want n which artist has it.. get exactly all the same gear as the artist.. if it still doesn't satisfy u then it's about u liao..

not a practical suggestion but if u're the kind who's lazy to test around then this the easiest way liao.. n don forget to email the artist to ask him how he set the eq on his amp.. good luck!
If you don't look at the whole signal chain, even if you have a $10000000 HEAVY METAL CHUG CHUG CUM CLASSIC RO CKA ROCKA GUITAR it isn't going to give you the tone you want if you plug it into a little Fender 15W.

You can't magically create tone by buying a new guitar.

You can't magically create tone by buying a new pedal.

You can't magically create tone by buying a new amp.

You can't magically create tone by buying any new gear in fact.

They all contribute to the tone, and you'll have to sit down and tweak and tweak and tweak until the tone works for you. Or hire somebody to do that for you.

If you are looking to get the most reliable tone you can with portablility, then welcome to the club. Everyone of us has the same problem going into gigs and clubs that have different amps from what we are used to. Some of us use modellers and try to set up the amps as flat as possible or go through the PA. Some of us bring our trusty pedals and try to set the amp to similar settings as what we use. I myself just played a gig last night and had to play through a keyboard amp and still nailed my sound with proper tweaking.

The only solution for laziness to tweak is to get someone to go onstage for you, tweak everything just right, then pass you the guitar.

Oh and I just realised, do you mean to have a heavy metal Chug and a classic rock Crunch, at the same time?
subversion said:
do not despair. many of of us who do not own big amps, reinforce our tones with pedals, knowing which one to get is a good move.

however, acquiring a good amp is IMO more adviseable. since acquiring an amp i like, i've been largely pedal-free & every guitar sounds right.

hey sub, you've got a Peavey XXL 100 watt amp right? how's that? i read that it's really good for a solid state
Ever considered putting an EQ pedal behind your amp distortion (in the effects loop)? Sometimes the EQ on amps aren't able to give you enough flexibility. If you can borrow from someone who has one and try using it to tweak the distortion and see if it helps. Once you've tweaked the EQ pedal you can use it to switch from crunch to, uh, chugga chugga.

But in the end what you can do with the EQ will be limited by the specs of the amp.

What amp/efx are you running btw?

If you're still very much set on the pickup route, I'd say go for a combination of a PAF style pickup for classic rock and a high output pickup for chugga and use your LP toggle switch to switch between the two. An upgrade from your stock epiphone pickups will probably help.

You can't go wrong with the Seymour Duncan '59/JB combination, although I'd suggest using a Custom instead of JB to get that bottom end you're after.

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