A few questions about monitors


New member
Hi...I have the M-audio audiophile 192...now I would like to get a pair of good montiors, expcet i have a few questions:
1. Whats the actual difference between montiors and normal pc speakers?
2. If i get a pai of monitors, can they replace my normal PC speakers? Like for general music listening, gaming etc?
3. Can anyone reccomend me a decent pair of monitors, at a decent price? (like budget 500 bucks and less)

some will say for $500, there's nothing decent. i've heard most stuff within the $500 range, and i've also heard stuff within the $3k range. the diff is very audible. keke.
but for what its worth, if its just a little bedroom studio like mine, UNDER $500, then i recommend the KRK RP5. new stocks just arrived. also, try the M-Audio BX5, Samson Resolv50a, Tapco S5 (if u can find).
but most folks will just recommend save the money and get a Mackie.
but opinions range quite widely on this topic. expect a few more replies. :)
hmmm, personally, i find it a-ok to listen to music on my monitors. but of course if ur com spkrs are like a klipsch promedia 2.1 then u might find it more enjoyable to listen to pop and techno on ur com spkrs. cos it gives u more bass end...more...erm...shiok lah. :)
monitor speakers are build to give a flat response across all frequency therefore an un bias re-production of the music/program.

you kinda build a long term relationship with the monitor. you listen to it day in day out and know how your mix will translate to hi-fi, radio or live.
ok...so...should i use them instead of my pc speakers then? as in does music and games sound COMPLETE shit? Or just a little flat..my speakers now are nothing fancy....
how can u guys even compare a comp speakers n monitor speakers..?
in the first place.. the name monitor speaker itself.. reflect to as how u monitor ur mix...
1.A FLAT RESPONSE... hmmm i dun think so mr SOFT..!
there is always a roll off within the frequency range of an audible wavelenth to human range dat is 20 to 20khz, n also some peak n dips of frequency within dat range too....
2.A monitor speaker is a refenrence speaker to u.. so in able to make it useful to u.. make sure.. ur ears r tune to these speakers.. make sure u do noe watz the frequency response is.. n how it behave within ur room.. !! n how it is applied when ur mix is listened to a normal speaker system..
3.A clarity n is wat a monitor speaker is worth of...!!
so to answer to both question... it is so much incomparisan to ur normal pc thingy.. n listening to ur normal music may be a good practice as to how u analyse the whole response...!!!
hey dude, i reccomend the yamaha MSP3 if your budget is only up to 500
but if you can do more plz buy the MSP5

The whole range of MSP is really good and flat if you ask me. I've read a review where 5 engineers did a blind test and the MSPs always come out number one or 2. And thats when they are comparing with brands like Genelec, Mackie H646, M-audio
molecules_sx said:
1.A FLAT RESPONSE... hmmm i dun think so mr SOFT..!
there is always a roll off within the frequency range of an audible wavelenth to human range dat is 20 to 20khz, n also some peak n dips of frequency within dat range too....

you are right! i remember learning something about a The Fletcher-Munson curve that says that human ears do not response to frequency in a linear fashion.


Maybe to compensate the dip, we should boost those frequencies?
Seriously, I play Warcraft 3 through my Alesis monitor ones. Not much difference from my cheapo computer speakers. Some game sounds were designed to sound good on shitty speakers. Cos, that's what ppl use anyway.
For the "Ultimate" gaming experience, you might as well get a nice 5.1 surround sound speaker system.

Of course on a serious note, Musicwise and monitoring, get the decent Monitors la.
Colarndo said:
Seriously, I play Warcraft 3 through my Alesis monitor ones. Not much difference from my cheapo computer speakers. Some game sounds were designed to sound good on shitty speakers. Cos, that's what ppl use anyway.
For the "Ultimate" gaming experience, you might as well get a nice 5.1 surround sound speaker system.

Of course on a serious note, Musicwise and monitoring, get the decent Monitors la.

hehe.. u wun hear it in a lay man kinda hearing dude.. dat is y there is sound engineers...
soft said:
molecules_sx said:
1.A FLAT RESPONSE... hmmm i dun think so mr SOFT..!
there is always a roll off within the frequency range of an audible wavelenth to human range dat is 20 to 20khz, n also some peak n dips of frequency within dat range too....

you are right! i remember learning something about a The Fletcher-Munson curve that says that human ears do not response to frequency in a linear fashion.


Maybe to compensate the dip, we should boost those frequencies?

fletcher-munson curve is to proves dat a good monitoring is at ard 75 - 80 db spl..
gtg more or less, u would lose or some frequency is being boost up as well...!!!

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