"A Class 'A' Love Affair" with the Great Spy Experiment, 25 Apr 08, Esplanade

Wow The Great Spy Experiment!! Would be fun to watch them, I love INDIE!!! haha, and it looks like the ticket costs only $25!!??
show some love

cant wait for this!
i missed their acoustic session @ esplanade awhile back.
everyone said it wuz the greatest!! with joan chan!!
cant let this happen twice

We're honoured to have on board for the Late Night performance two very talented musicians, one of whom is none other than Joan Chew (keyboardist, violinist and occasional singer for Shirlyn Tan and the UnXpected) who also accompanied our acoustic set at the Mosaic Festival a few weeks back.

For those who've been asking about new songs, we will be previewing some new material so do watch out for that. :)

It's going to be a GSE gig with a difference. Like the acoustic set, we're promising a one-of-a-kind GSE performance - so if you missed us at Mosaic, you won't wanna miss this one! ;)

Tickets at http://www.sistic.com.sg.

Hope to see you there!

Much love,
The Great Spy Experiment

ps: Shinobi, us too. In fact, that's what Flower Show Riots is about - the divide between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have-nots. And the Class 'A' in CALA? Nothing to do with social classes. Rather, it's about a love for something that's just all kinds of wrong... :)

Thanks Kevin for the interview! :)

We're very happy to announce that tickets to the show are completely sold out. To those who have got your tickets, we can't thank you enough for the support and we can't wait to party with you next Friday.

To those who would like to come but were not able to get tickets, we're really sorry! We'd love to have more of you but sadly, we're at maximum capacity and are unable to accommodate more. We hope to see you at our next gig though.. ;)

See you guys on the 25th!
5 more days!
I wonder what the guys have in store for us!

So who are the lucky ones who got hold of tickets??
went to get tickets today only to hear that they are sold out.
crappy. wished i had bought them earlier.
just thought I ask, anyone selling theirs (looking for 5)
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