A Catkiller (Not For Easily Offended)

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heh, roger that. i can still remember that day. my sister juz stood still 2 metres away crying. and i was all, "AH!!! HELP!!!" i have dog-ophobia ever since.
Screw with animals, and they'll get you back. Just look at the civet cats in china .. They got inhumanely treated and attacked back with SARS ...
chester: I see what you're trying to say. But the point is, IF you attacked that dog in SELF-DEFENCE, I see no problem with that. But as for the case of that woman stomping all over the kitten with her stilleto heels, she brutally killed that cat for enjoyment and entertainment. :/ Spot the difference.
i'm trying to say wad would happen to the dog if it got ME. will it get jailed for murder? certainly not!
if the dog got you,it would almost certainly be put down, being a "danger to humans". fair enough i would say, even though what form of provocation the animal was under before the attack usually doesnt get taken into account.

likewise, humans attacking animals should be put down for being a danger to animals,but this doesnt seem to be the case..a mere slap on the wrist is usually the outcome. what is 3 months jail compared to a life taken before its time?
compare the number of cases a man is killed by an animal to a man killing an animal. wanna noe? 1:2500. so now u tell me where justice is. we already r facing 2500 jail terms so if a dog attacks u or a shark bites u it just brings the figure down by 1 for every person. so if u wanna sue a dog for chasing u wait until u get 2500 severe animal attacks. hahah thtz serving death penalty already.
unfortunately theres no animal jail, unlike humans.
unless someone adopts an animal which has harmed a human, theres no where else for the animal to go.
DarknessFury said:
If a dog attacks you, it'd get put down...if a shark attacks you, it'd get killed.

dunnid wait. some wankstas would already had their stomachs full of the fins. less than a million years on the earth and humans have already decimated countless species of animals.

GOGO anti-human black metal
whatever it is, all these animals abusers are just plain cowards who take it out on poor defenceless animals. Hmmm how about another appropreate punishment - cat bashers must 1-2-1 with a hungry adult male lion in Mandai Zoo - see who's the boss.

Shark fins, baby seal clubbing, killing of turtles for their shell, bear claw eating, elephant & rhino tusks, tiger skin, poaching etc...it goes on and on and on.... it's already a commercial venture.

Bashing kittens or any animal for kicks is just the sign of a sick f*** mind!
We're all murderers in a way or another. We all eat meat and stuff...even the guys at the temple aren't off the hook...they eat vegetables...imagine the amount of veggies they killed...
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