A Catkiller (Not For Easily Offended)

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on the net or in black and white ppl tend to misunderstand words.
just like 'air' both in malay n english.

strats u malay? haa juz asking.
but what has 'mat' got to do with being racist here?
but i don't see how the word mat can be rascist? i use it all the time. eh mat-mat tu semuer main guitar baik ah. it's the equivaleny of guys to me. and yes i'm Malay :D
maybe its referring to the mat side of some malays la, like the bengs to us chinese. no offence. but there are just hoodlums from every race, its just a matter of how we name them.
Umm back to the main topic of animal cruelty here? Lol. Well, I guess you guys have said it all, animal cruelty is, well, plain cruel. Total lack of humanity in those actions. :/
If a man killing another man results in a death penalty, then a man killing an animal should result in a death penalty too, simple. It's also taking another life.
Vaiyen - uhuh uhuh. sadly to say, no matter how urbanized we are or how rapid we have developed, i think we are still as close to being barbarics.

but urghh. who would treat a cute cat like that .. .? tsk~ sad lah

and the mat who kicked the helpless cat just deserve the beating i guess. just brainless ~ i hope he dreamt that he got kicked by a gigantic cat and get haunted.

wth am i talking abt
sLapshock said:
why u say "mat". no need to mention mat or bengs, u try to be racist ah ?

because thats what he was. if he was a munjen i'd say he was a munjen. i tell it like it is. if you've got a problem you're free to take it up with me in private.
I think that cat killer got off too lightly for killing those defenceless kittens...the sorry son of a bitch should get at least a few years, plus rotan & then get setenced to do do work in SPCA or something like that ....

or other case scenario - like the TV reality courtroom show "eye for an eye" make the punishment really fit the crime. Strip the bugger, cover him in fish guts & stuff, tie him down & let over 100 pre starved alley cats have their way with him!

I HATE any kind of cruelty to any kind of animal. :evil:
oh gods, that leaves me speechless.
i really hope those are'nt real. or are they?
Nevertheless, one things for sure. that woman has got no feelings man.
and she ought to be killed. like brutally killed.

i cant imagine that happening to my cats. gosh, i'll probarly go insane. and i guess it takes another cat/dog/rabbit owner to understand how it feels.

Actually what animal abusers really need are not punishments, or imprisonment but therapy. There's defintely a reason for their cruel behaviour and it's a condition that society should look into.

Nobody would wake up one morning and say, 'I think I'll kill a cat today!'

Hurling insults at those people, hoping they die a thousand and one deaths in a thousand and one ways won't do anything except feed the ego. To be honest, we're no different from them. Would u save someone who's being surrounded and attacked by a group of men? I tell u most of us would just pretend and walk away.

I'm not saying I won't get angry if I see someone stepping on a cat, of course I will.
But I think it's fake the 2nd last photo doesn't look real. Looks photoshop-y. And the last pic is even more fake the top part is like off already : \ 2 different pics combined together lah the angle of the feet is different.

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