6th Soft's Drum Exchange / Meetup - 18th Aug 2007 (Sat) !

Woahh happening lah d_h. Bring those chilli padi wuhan splashes :D

I'll probably be bringing my Sabians since I will probably have jamming after the meetup. I will look like I'm moving house with all my barang barang like that time hahahaa :lol:
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33 & 34) OhamtaroO & firethorn(Not confirmed)
(35) Jonathan

Hi I'm new here! Mostly in the buy/sell forums.
Been drumming for some time but only jus started to explore into Singapore's drumming scene. (Drumming skills far from good =p )
Looking forward to the coming meet up!

See u sis and bros! (Haha sis comes first ma, cos ppl usually say: "ladies n gentlemen")

:D Jon
Great to have you "Jon" joinING us - see you this Saturday

PS: - Announcement: -

KillerBee & Snowflier is now a Committee Member for the Soft's Drum Exchange representing Female Drummers here - They will be our 1st 2 Female-Drummer in joining as Committee of The Drum-Exchange Committee - A Warm Welcome to them both and

.......Thank You KillerBee & Snowflier in helping us out and in making our Soft's Drum Exchange / Meetup move forward from here.
no, thank YOU for allowing me a chance to finally contribute to the meet-ups :smt003


next week will be sian compared to this week's lahhhhh...so not looking forward...
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33 & 34) OhamtaroO & firethorn(Not confirmed)
(35) Jonathan
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88 (guitarist/bassist)
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong (paiste dimension crash and wuhan china)
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33) OhamtaroO(bassist)
(34) firethorn(Not confirmed)
(35) Jonathan
(36) Zyk

Where's Bliss and Rla?
sorry JunLong, i have something quite important that day. Next time...besides, got so many ppl this time, you'll barely notice i was gone. Have fun!
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88 (guitarist/bassist)
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong (paiste dimension crash and wuhan china)
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33) OhamtaroO(bassist)
(34) firethorn(Not confirmed)
(35) Jonathan
(36) Zyk
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88 (guitarist/bassist)
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong (paiste dimension crash and wuhan china)
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33) OhamtaroO(bassist)
(34) firethorn(Not confirmed)
(35) Jonathan
(36) Zyk
(38) sidmontu

cya guys around then, not 100% confirmed but will try me best =) got lots to learn heh
RLA, no worries dude. Try to make it for the next one! Thanks for teaching me how to play congas the previous time. Hope there will be a lesson two next month. haha. :lol:
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88 (guitarist/bassist)
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong (paiste dimension crash and wuhan china)
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33) OhamtaroO(bassist)
(34) firethorn(Not confirmed)
(35) Jonathan
(36) Zyk
[38] sidmontu
(39) drummar-buah

THIS IS A DAMN LONG LIST MAN!!! i might be late! cuz i've got stuff to do in the morning. yeah stuff =)
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88 (guitarist/bassist)
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong (paiste dimension crash and wuhan china)
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33) OhamtaroO(bassist)
(34) firethorn
(35) Jonathan
(36) Zyk
[38] sidmontu
(39) drummar-buah
Great to see you active again drummer-buah :D

My lefty-drummer friend unfortunately can't come for this meetup :cry: I'll try to psycho him to come for the subsequent ones though.