6th Soft's Drum Exchange / Meetup - 18th Aug 2007 (Sat) !

Haha. You can just bring the effects you like. Unless what you have is one big multi-effect.

I tried carrying my guitarist's pedal case(7 effects) before. It weighs just as heavy as my pedal case(double pedals).
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33 & 34) OhamtaroO & firethorn(Not confirmed)
He's a guitarist. He's going just to see see, haha.

Anyway, anyone can summarise what we're gonna go there? It's my first time going for a soft meet thingy, lol.
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33) OhamtaroO
(34) firethorn(Not confirmed)

Dear bros, kindly indicate if you're a bassist or guitarist besides your soft nick name in brackets. Copy this list and edit it again. Thank you all for your cooperation!

P.S.: If you're a drummer, then leave it as it is :D

This SOFT Drummers meet-up is a monthly event to gather all drummers regardless of age, gender, religion, race, or how good they are. We believe that everyone has something to share with others. There will be a drumset at the venue, where any drummers can feel free and play something. It is a free and easy event. Last meet-up, we had a fun percussion jam. Thus things are not just kept to just drumset but we're also expanding to other percussions.
Hi bro.

Can play drums, can play bass but true to what hamtaro said, i was a guitarist first and shall always be. keke.

But anyway, I'm just going to see. Can't do any cool rolls or stuff :(

Add me back with hamtaro lei? My kaypo-ing is contingent on hamtaro also going. heehee :D
(1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Badger88
(4) Reuben
(5) Drum_Hobbyist
(6) DullTheatre
(7) vanhelSINGH
[8] jeepers
(9) Caijunlong
(10) plainsman
(13) killerbee
(14) mel80
(15) massageparlour
(16) zildjohn
(17) Marcdadrummer
[18] Rustee
(19) Joanne (Blissuicide - call her again nearer the date - The Sweet Eurasian Girl)
(20) Exrocker
(21) hi
(23)xng07 (eh, i'll try to rush down from work..mayb just in time for drum crap n coffee talk =( )
(24) snow
(25) rong
(26) blurred ( in spirit!!!)
(27) gambatak (18'china)
(28] emman91
(29) Warwickw
(30) xenOgenesis
(31) nkf31 (hope i can come!)
(32) Jeno
(33) OhamtaroO(bassist)
(34) firethorn(Not confirmed)
Mines the Vox Tonelab SE. (TON-Lab as I'd like to call it) Weighs more than my Les Paul in its hardcase.

And if you refering to my effects for putting ur bass through, no way bro. Im sure its not meant for bass. Otherwise next thing u know, the tubes explode. Lol.

i dont noe if ill be able to make it for this one man.. I finish teaching at 3.. like that i wont be able to bring my cobras the latin pattern notes also man..

but if i do come ill share something..
Bro vanhelSINGH...nebermind - we wait for you ...but you must must must come...........just share with us the Basics of those Latina Groove....we love ... everything LATIN Kekekekeke... :lol:
PLEASE COME - everyone......SOFT...James will be making an announcement to all Drummers on that day - I'm SURE YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE ....Good.dddddddddddddddddddd News for you all...come !
Hey Bro...DO You All Notice Something?......Our BRO Blissuicide is really Missing - I call him - his HP goes to Voice-Mail directly for weeks....ANYONE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM ???????......Let me know call me at 97989977...Thk you.
Hmmm... on second thoughts... i think i will bring the Wuhan made cymbals instead of Turkish...


Any violent objections?