2012 countdown?

Hope it's some other kind of Y2K thingy. I'm watching the movie 2012 tomorrow! Think it'll be some Armageddon show but I'm up for the entertainment.

As for Mr.Michio Kaku, he sure is Dr. Doom...

It's kinda funny though that with all these forecasts, it reflects on how much the human race is afraid of losing communication and satellite. It was something we could do without (or do with less) but now with the economy depending so much on it, we behave like we're gonna lose oxygen for a few years if it goes down for a few years. I'm not condemning nor am I exalting this kind of behaviour, just a thought ;)

The global climate conditions on the other hand are really bugging me....but maybe it bugs me more also cos it's more evident these days...
epic win.

btw,what's all the hype with 2012?can someone just quote a simple sentence here saying that 2012 = end of the world?if not everything so far has just been speculation AND ALOT OF exaggeration.=_= end of the world...yeah right,i'll make sure i lose my virginity that year.
That pic reminds me of Bill cosby, cos of that kids say the darndest things show...

I wouldn't mind dying if its the end of the world, since everyone else is gonna die as well, I wouldn't miss out on anything =D
epic win.

btw,what's all the hype with 2012?can someone just quote a simple sentence here saying that 2012 = end of the world?if not everything so far has just been speculation AND ALOT OF exaggeration.=_= end of the world...yeah right,i'll make sure i lose my virginity that year.

Read the first post I posted, page 1, top of the page. That should answer your question. Nothing to do with the end of the world hype, just sunspots and solar flares. You'd do better staying a virgin than at actually reading the post. ;)
That pic reminds me of Bill cosby, cos of that kids say the darndest things show...

I wouldn't mind dying if its the end of the world, since everyone else is gonna die as well, I wouldn't miss out on anything =D

Sorry, I couldn't help but wondering if your nick means


i tell u what. I'll bet $1000sgd with anyone who thinks that end of the world shit will happen in 2012. Pm me if u dare. when 2012 comes, i will be laughing at those retards who thinks that will happen.
It's kinda funny though that with all these forecasts, it reflects on how much the human race is afraid of losing communication and satellite. It was something we could do without (or do with less) but now with the economy depending so much on it, we behave like we're gonna lose oxygen for a few years if it goes down for a few years.

Technology and knowledge are double-edged swords. Sorry, wait, they equate to one, so double-edged sword without the s.

With the implementation of Carbon Dating, progress of all things tech, the internet, rising funds on Cosmology/Astrophysics, Archaeology, we are going to continue "discovering" and postulating hypotheses and submitting findings for "approval" by a governed body, which in turn validates and kickstarts initiatives that the scientist of the 18th century would've dismissed as "useless dabbling".

Some prominent figures of the scientific society (including SETI, and Neil Tyson who's my favourite "celebrity physicist") have even argued (I recall vaguely from various magazines, books and documentaries) that we could all do without most of the theories that proposes a certain natural crisis, simply because research on said subjects point to repeated undocumented disagreements and counter-theses dating back hundreds of years, like when the Muslim world gave birth to the advances of "Science" as we know it today.

I mean, people are now more focused than before on debunking the definition and practicality of Religion itself, sometimes to the point where we end up on a recursive mess of facts, truth, and belief. Likewise, scientists and related governed bodies do not hold any kind of authority over what the world needs to know - there are always counter-arguements and that is what they do _not_ show you on TV, or print on paper. If it is interesting and is likely to attract an audience, the media is all up for it. We keep them rolling.
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i tell u what. I'll bet $1000sgd with anyone who thinks that end of the world shit will happen in 2012. Pm me if u dare. when 2012 comes, i will be laughing at those retards who thinks that will happen.

The world will not end in 2012. Not that I know of anyway.

But here's a thought.
If you can bother to keep track of the people who PM you all the way up to 2012, the next 3 years, then I'll be laughing at you for having no life at all for having nothing else better to do.

And here's another thought, dung for brains.
If somebody bets with you SG$1000 and WINS the bet (The world ends in 2012), how in the blue hell is he going to collect the money anyway?! We'd all be dead.

That is a very valid and unbiased accessment of things! You have a lot of great points there; probably making more sense than a roomful of scientists combined too. :)

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