Just watched the video, and there's something pretty disturbing about it which I must mention.
Did anyone think that video was kinda propaganda?
I mean, all that guy mentions about is just the United States.. And I don't see the rest of the world coming in. Don't believe? Watch it again.
"The menace of these sun storms poses a bigger threat to more high-tech and advanced countries like.. the US.."
(true, but there are many other countries who are more advanced no?)
"It will literally paralyze the whole of United States.."
"...which will not just handicap New York, but (pauses).. almost half of the United States"
"It will not just affect one city, but hundreds of cities around the United States"
It did made me a little skeptical here. I haven't read the other sources as I didn't have time, so I can't really say much about it. I did chance upon this book which was a really good read: The Truth about NASA. Reveals alot about the NASA.
Not saying its not credible, just that it made me feel unconvinced.