2012 countdown?

and all of this falls on my birthday.great.im just gonna grab a couch, a cup of coke,some popcorns in a bowl and get the front seat to the end of the world :cool:

lol that reminded me of the song End of the World by Armor for Sleep


if the end of the world REALLY is at 2012 , then its sad for me cos ill only be out of NS then ... -____-
dont think it will be end of the world... my guess is worst case scenario, just end of modern civilization with maybe 3/4 the world's population gone. back to the times where we gotta try to 'invent' things to make life 'easier' for ourselves...

its just like one big cycle all over again =)
my guess is worst case scenario, just end of modern civilization with maybe 3/4 the world's population gone. back to the times where we gotta try to 'invent' things to make life 'easier' for ourselves...
its just like one big cycle all over again =)

lol thats not bad enough dude?
dont think it will be end of the world... my guess is worst case scenario, just end of modern civilization with maybe 3/4 the world's population gone. back to the times where we gotta try to 'invent' things to make life 'easier' for ourselves...

its just like one big cycle all over again =)
You are right!
2012-NOT the end of the world
At the height of their technolgical acheivements the continent of Atlantis and it's civilisation were terminated.The Atlantean governing
council were warned about what may befall the Atlantean continent,but they were too materialistic to consider the possibitlity and remarked that it could not happen. They could not even care to research and consider what happened to Sumeria(the continent strething from peru through hawaii to japan) and kandari kundam in the indian ocean.
If the signs of the increasing earthquakes and unnatural destructive
weather do not stir a sense awakening of what may possibly come to past
in the coming years,watch the volcanoes start blowing up around the
world very shortly.Watch the increasing disasters around the world and
the picture will become clearer and clearer.

StarWorldEarth Today-swearthtoday.com
haha i think this 2012 rumour is a load of ....

do YOU(ppl who believe it) really want to die that early?

come on, the world is already absurd as it is, please don't make it worse with these unfounded fears and beliefs?
Just watched the video, and there's something pretty disturbing about it which I must mention.

Did anyone think that video was kinda propaganda?

I mean, all that guy mentions about is just the United States.. And I don't see the rest of the world coming in. Don't believe? Watch it again.

"The menace of these sun storms poses a bigger threat to more high-tech and advanced countries like.. the US.."
(true, but there are many other countries who are more advanced no?)

"It will literally paralyze the whole of United States.."

"...which will not just handicap New York, but (pauses).. almost half of the United States"

"It will not just affect one city, but hundreds of cities around the United States"

It did made me a little skeptical here. I haven't read the other sources as I didn't have time, so I can't really say much about it. I did chance upon this book which was a really good read: The Truth about NASA. Reveals alot about the NASA.

Not saying its not credible, just that it made me feel unconvinced.
Just watched the video, and there's something pretty disturbing about it which I must mention.

Did anyone think that video was kinda propaganda?

I mean, all that guy mentions about is just the United States.. And I don't see the rest of the world coming in. Don't believe? Watch it again.

"The menace of these sun storms poses a bigger threat to more high-tech and advanced countries like.. the US.."
(true, but there are many other countries who are more advanced no?)

"It will literally paralyze the whole of United States.."

"...which will not just handicap New York, but (pauses).. almost half of the United States"

"It will not just affect one city, but hundreds of cities around the United States"

It did made me a little skeptical here. I haven't read the other sources as I didn't have time, so I can't really say much about it. I did chance upon this book which was a really good read: The Truth about NASA. Reveals alot about the NASA.

Not saying its not credible, just that it made me feel unconvinced.
I disagree. at that point of time, america was like the most powerful country, to prove it, i would point u to the recent economical crisis, which all started from AMERICA. so yea. i just hope, the data in my com doesn't die or whatever.
Yes its true that America does have that power. But, that power is slowly leaking away to the East. That further supports my skepticism.

If you have watched "Rise of the Rest", you'll realise that power is slowly being transferred from the West to the East and the US will be losing its status which they've been enjoying currently. And with their ever-increasing national debt, it just spells disaster.

In my point of view.. It seems as though the US is using this as a political weapon to re-establish power. In that video, the heavy emphasis on the US makes it seems like "the end" of US = "the end" of the world. Plus, it seems as though the US have the power to change the world. True to some extent, but I ain't buying that idea.

Let me emphasis: That is just my point of view, and I may be wrong. Would love to see more POVs too. Cheers!
Yes its true that America does have that power. But, that power is slowly leaking away to the East. That further supports my skepticism.

If you have watched "Rise of the Rest", you'll realise that power is slowly being transferred from the West to the East and the US will be losing its status which they've been enjoying currently. And with their ever-increasing national debt, it just spells disaster.

In my point of view.. It seems as though the US is using this as a political weapon to re-establish power. In that video, the heavy emphasis on the US makes it seems like "the end" of US = "the end" of the world. Plus, it seems as though the US have the power to change the world. True to some extent, but I ain't buying that idea.

Let me emphasis: That is just my point of view, and I may be wrong. Would love to see more POVs too. Cheers!

You make a very good and reasonable point there! It is definitely something to consider. The US are almost despearate to clinch onto their last strands of power and it won't be surprising if they are plotting a scam like this, ala war on Iraq and the hunt for non-existent WMDs, but considering the distinct but distant possibility that such a crisis might be real..... it would theologically be the best time for a ZOMBIE ATTACK to happen wouldn't it? :)

Think about it. No satelites, no phones, no means of communication; it's the perfect time for the zombie plague to happen! I hope it does. I've been itching to put my shotgun to good use, Left 4 Dead 2 style!
Yes its true that America does have that power. But, that power is slowly leaking away to the East. That further supports my skepticism.

If you have watched "Rise of the Rest", you'll realise that power is slowly being transferred from the West to the East and the US will be losing its status which they've been enjoying currently. And with their ever-increasing national debt, it just spells disaster.

In my point of view.. It seems as though the US is using this as a political weapon to re-establish power. In that video, the heavy emphasis on the US makes it seems like "the end" of US = "the end" of the world. Plus, it seems as though the US have the power to change the world. True to some extent, but I ain't buying that idea.

Let me emphasis: That is just my point of view, and I may be wrong. Would love to see more POVs too. Cheers!

I understand ur point fully. however, u seem to have miss a KEY point i'm trying to make, the time of all the article's writing. Most if not all were written before this economical crsis and america was still considered the "major" economy. hence the biasedness in the articles.

stop talking about 2012
what happen,just happen
stop worrying about the future
stop caring about what people say
stop getting over hype about 2012 and some solar thingy or amargeddon or whateva may come.

Just live your life.

wake up
go to home
have lunch
get back to work
go home
have dinner

stop talking about 2012
what happen,just happen
stop worrying about the future
stop caring about what people say
stop getting over hype about 2012 and some solar thingy or amargeddon or whateva may come.

Just live your life.

wake up
go to home
have lunch
get back to work
go home
have dinner

U won't be saying that when it hits, assuming it does. and at least this have proof rather than the amargeddon shyt

stop getting over hype about 2012 and some solar thingy or amargeddon


Well, you're someone who wrote this song called "Morbid Satan Armageddon", which was the funniest meaningless Black Meturl song..eva. So..err, you should know better than anyone else, and be "over hype" about a possible "amargeddon".

Right now I'm stocking candles and watching documentaries of people living in third-world rural areas. Practice makes perfect..for when the time comes.

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