2012 countdown?

Well, you're someone who wrote this song called "Morbid Satan Armageddon", which was the funniest meaningless Black Meturl song..eva. So..err, you should know better than anyone else, and be "over hype" about a possible "amargeddon".

Right now I'm stocking candles and watching documentaries of people living in third-world rural areas. Practice makes perfect..for when the time comes.

whoever you are.
i dont care much.
that was in the past dude so yeah
dont care about it mostly all lost memories.
if u hold grudges against me go ahead..
i dont care much about people like you anyways
whoever you are.
i dont care much.
that was in the past dude so yeah
dont care about it mostly all lost memories.
if u hold grudges against me go ahead..
i dont care much about people like you anyways

Dude..I'm your best friend and that's just tough love!

*me hides*

On a more serious note, that was supposed to be a joke, alongside stocking candles. Err wait that one is not a joke..I'm really stocking candles and Thai fragrant rice. McDonalds will be closed in 2012..no electricity to haz cheezeburger.
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Oh man. You people are hilarious. If you really believe the world is going to end in 2012, go plunder sweelee! I would really like a jazzmaster. But just get me anything convenient.

We won't be saying this WHEN it happens? Well, I said it in 2000 when my computer was supposed to turn into optimus prime and blast my nuts off. Have fun stocking up on maggi mee, the rest of us will be wasting our lives away going to school/work/army.

If you think the world is really coming to an end because of a SOLAR FART, please go read up on the LHC in Switzerland.

NOW you can shit your pants.
Oh man. You people are hilarious. If you really believe the world is going to end in 2012, go plunder sweelee! I would really like a jazzmaster. But just get me anything convenient.

We won't be saying this WHEN it happens? Well, I said it in 2000 when my computer was supposed to turn into optimus prime and blast my nuts off. Have fun stocking up on maggi mee, the rest of us will be wasting our lives away going to school/work/army.

If you think the world is really coming to an end because of a SOLAR FART, please go read up on the LHC in Switzerland.

NOW you can shit your pants.

I think you really should read my original post before I tear you a new one with verbs and adjectives you have never even seen before. I was very specific in my initial posting - very specific. So please read it before you go blasting off like a flailing fool running through the forest looking for a tree trunk to bang his head against. There was no hailing of the Second or Third or Fourth Coming, no declaration of Armagaddon, no Holy Spirit coming to play chess with me. The post is basically about sunspot activity - a scientific FACT of occurrence - and how it MIGHT affect telecommunication devices. There was not a mention about 'end of the world' scenarios - lucid or vague. There was even a large red disclaimer near the top of the post, just so little ones like you can color between the lines (and fill up the spaces of the Grand Canyon that used to be intellect) with a large red crayon!

Now, heed my advice. Because it's a good one.
Read. More. And. Respond. With. Intellect.
People like you, 'the archetypical brute' soaked in the egregous manure of his own ostentation, need to do that more.
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I think you really should read my original post before I tear you a new one with verbs and adjectives you have never even seen before. I was very specific in my initial posting - very specific. So please read it before you go blasting off like a flailing fool running through the forest looking for a tree trunk to bang his head against. There was no hailing of the Second or Third or Fourth Coming, no declaration of Armagaddon, no Holy Spirit coming to play chess with me. The post is basically about sunspot activity - a scientific FACT of occurrence - and how it MIGHT affect telecommunication devices. There was not a mention about 'end of the world' scenarios - lucid or vague. There was even a large red disclaimer near the top of the post, just so little ones like you can color between the lines (and fill up the spaces of the Grand Canyon that used to be intellect) with a large red crayon!

Now, heed my advice. Because it's a good one.
Read. More. And. Respond. With. Intellect.
People like you, 'the archetypical brute' soaked in the egregous manure of his own ostentation, need to do that more.

Oh come on. Just because you know how to use a thesaurus doesn't make you clever. I really hate flame wars, but your reply about "tearing me a new one" really calls for a civilised response. And by the way, I love how you use your little metaphors to allude to me being a kid who likes colouring and a madman running through the forest (I don't quite get how the latter has anything to do with anything though. But good effort nonetheless.).

Firstly, are you old enough to have been alive in 2000? Computer databases, the internet, banks, military facilities, etc. etc. were supposed to go haywire and start launching missiles spontaneously or something due to the numbers wreaking havoc with the programmes or something. Well, that was 9 years ago. Wonder why I'm not dead.
THIS was supposed to be FACT too, mind you.

And what I was saying in my post, Einstein, is that if something is going to go very wrong and send us all to Kingdom Come, it's very likely that the LHC will take us years before the sun's fart will. Did you bother doing a google search on that or at the very least try to understand what I was saying? Or are you too busy flaming and asking people to read to actually read?

Oh and please don't smite me and give me a new you with your almighty vocabulary, great one.

I got a new theory; Resident flamers/trolls on forums will crash the internet with their pseudo-intellect and cause everyone to commit suicide from the agony. It's FACT that no one likes trolls.
Okay. Ignore that.

But seriously, I'm sorry if you're having a bad day or whatnot, but your post is totally uncalled for.
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The Mayan prophecy is one colossal joke.

I can't believe people actually believe the words of a civilization that didn't foresee themselves getting exterminated by Spanish invaders and were forsaken by their gods whom apparently didn't bother to save them.
Oh come on. Just because you know how to use a thesaurus doesn't make you clever. I really hate flame wars, but your reply about "tearing me a new one" really calls for a civilised response. And by the way, I love how you use your little metaphors to allude to me being a kid who likes colouring and a madman running through the forest (I don't quite get how the latter has anything to do with anything though. But good effort nonetheless.).

Firstly, are you old enough to have been alive in 2000? Computer databases, the internet, banks, military facilities, etc. etc. were supposed to go haywire and start launching missiles spontaneously or something due to the numbers wreaking havoc with the programmes or something. Well, that was 9 years ago. Wonder why I'm not dead.
THIS was supposed to be FACT too, mind you.

And what I was saying in my post, Einstein, is that if something is going to go very wrong and send us all to Kingdom Come, it's very likely that the LHC will take us years before the sun's fart will. Did you bother doing a google search on that or at the very least try to understand what I was saying? Or are you too busy flaming and asking people to read to actually read?

Oh and please don't smite me and give me a new you with your almighty vocabulary, great one.

I got a new theory; Resident flamers/trolls on forums will crash the internet with their pseudo-intellect and cause everyone to commit suicide from the agony. It's FACT that no one likes trolls.
Okay. Ignore that.

But seriously, I'm sorry if you're having a bad day or whatnot, but your post is totally uncalled for.

Alright, I will try to use fewer adjectives here for your sake, if only to be understood and not misinterpretted by you. And no, I do not use a theasaurus.

I apologize, first of all, for the comment on 'tearing you a new one'; it was uncalled for and I retract that statement. Please read on.

For someone who claims to hate flame wars and detests 'uncalled for' commentary, it's ironic that you were the one who initiated it; clumping everything into a Doomsday prophecy and boxing everything up in a single parcel of hilarity. You have conveniently forgotten to acknowledge the fact that no part of my original thread-starting post refers to all that you have mentioned. In fact, there was an emphatic disclaimer indicating that prophecies of such nature are for the dimwitted. Given that, you should have gathered the idea that this thread has nothing to do with the Y2K bug reinvented, nothing to do with catastrophic sociological meltdowns, and that should have been sufficient enough to prevent you from being an empty barrel filled with temperament. With regards to the subject of the topic and its selected wording, this has long been cleared up in one of the earlier replies.

Incidentally, since you mentioned the Y2K bug, there were preventive measures taken to minimize its effects - both tangible and intangible. Some actual inconveniences were indeed avoided due to acts of prevention; admittedly expensive acts of prevention, but prevention nonetheless. The truth of this is of course debatable, given that there are two strong and opposing scientic views expressing both the mentioned and the flipside, and I doubt either of us could pinpoint the actual feasibility of prevention in this case. I would, of course, be happy to meet with you over a cup of coffee to discuss in depth the scientic and societal benefits of prevention over solution, but I doubt you would be up for it, given your ardent admiration of your own point of view.

Back to my point. The point of my post was to discuss the possible societal disruptions of sunspots and how they might affect our means of communication. The philosophizing on the possibilities of a zombie attack was, of course, not meant to be taken literally and seriously (Though it would be fun if it happened). SURELY someone of your intellectual calibre can comprehend this, theasaurus be damned.

It is truth that in the era we live in, teelecommunication is the backbone of a lot of human interaction these days. Because of our heavy reliance on this, is it really such an off-the-wall thing to start a thread on the possibilities of being temporarily disabled and detached from our digital diet? Do we always HAVE to harp on hype, always have to take things into generic territory of 'mankind's extinction' when it comes to the year 2012 - a year which only coincidentally coincides to that same number being trumpetted by stupid rekigious zealots? Do you know with full knowledge and certainty the way the cycle of the sun works? Can you fortell it? No, and neither can I, hence the attempt to create a rich discussion on this. And for the most part, I have kept away from any doomslay prophecizing because, being an agnostic floating to the side of atheism, I personally find any debates based on those arguments to be inconsequential. I do not buy into hype easily - and have based most of what I had to say on some research. The scientific accuracy of the research is, of course, not my expertise, being more of a man of language. But there is certainly no harm in using some research indicators as a means to kickstart a discussion, key word being 'discussion'.

So it would be nice if you could keep your generalization of the discussion to yourself. Keep the flames in your pants, so to speak. If you have something concrete to say, by all means, do so! But do it without sweeping all other discussions under the proverbial living room rug of your selective perception. Not all of us are hype-mosquitos, sucking up imaginings of plight-bringers like there's no tomorrow. To assume this as wholeheartedly as you did is an invitation for a poignant retort - a flame, as you call it. So quit your whining if you're the one stirring the pot.

I sincerely hope that I have made myself clear to you, leaving no wispy trails of ambiguity. Once again, I would be most happy to share with you in greater detail some of the more calculated research discoveries and theories about sunspots (They may be accurate, or they might not), but I doubt you'd be interested, since everybody here is just a 'Y2K Reloaded Hype Magnet' to you.

Do not generalize, and you will be sterilized from the singe of the flames. :)
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Alright, I will try to use fewer adjectives here for your sake, if only to be understood and not misinterpretted by you. And no, I do not use a theasaurus.

I apologize, first of all, for the comment on 'tearing you a new one'; it was uncalled for and I retract that statement. Please read on.

That's fine. I don't take things to heart. Although I must say I've used up an awful lot of those red crayons replying to your posts. ;)

For someone who claims to hate flame wars and detests 'uncalled for' commentary, it's ironic that you were the one who initiated it; clumping everything into a Doomsday prophecy and boxing everything up in a single parcel of hilarity. You have conveniently forgotten to acknowledge the fact that no part of my original thread-starting post refers to all that you have mentioned.

Then why do you feel that I have directed my initial post to you? In all honesty, it wasn't, and that is why I was rather taken aback by your sudden and rather insulting response. I must admit that I was rather angered by it.

In fact, there was an emphatic disclaimer indicating that prophecies of such nature are for the dimwitted.

Is this hypocrisy?

Given that, you should have gathered the idea that this thread has nothing to do with the Y2K bug reinvented,

Do you not see the similarities between a system breakdown and... A system breakdown? Not the point. I admit I have only a shallow understanding of how exactly such a disaster would actually affect technology, given that most of it came from the Discovery Channel.

nothing to do with catastrophic sociological meltdowns,

You will later talk about "societal disruptions".

and that should have been sufficient enough to prevent you from being an empty barrel filled with temperament.

A cunning method of implying that I am the idiomatic empty barrel that makes the most noise, although my posts have been substantially less verbose than yours, with far less contradictions and logical irregularities.

With regards to the subject of the topic and its selected wording, this has long been cleared up in one of the earlier replies.

Incidentally, since you mentioned the Y2K bug, there were preventive measures taken to minimize its effects - both tangible and intangible. Some actual inconveniences were indeed avoided due to acts of prevention; admittedly expensive acts of prevention, but prevention nonetheless. The truth of this is of course debatable, given that there are two strong and opposing scientic views expressing both the mentioned and the flipside, and I doubt either of us could pinpoint the actual feasibility of prevention in this case. I would, of course, be happy to meet with you over a cup of coffee to discuss in depth the scientic and societal benefits of prevention over solution, but I doubt you would be up for it, given your ardent admiration of your own point of view.

Prejudice is the first sign of ignorance. I would have agreed to such a discussion if you had proven yourself a less prejudiced individual. Not to mention your impeccable grasp of the English language.

And I assumed you would have known that measures were taken and much money was spent to protect these systems. What makes you think the solar flares would be different? That is what I'm getting at.

Back to my point. The point of my post was to discuss the possible societal disruptions of sunspots and how they might affect our means of communication. The philosophizing on the possibilities of a zombie attack was, of course, not meant to be taken literally and seriously (Though it would be fun if it happened). SURELY someone of your intellectual calibre can comprehend this, theasaurus be damned.

The threat of a "zombie attack" is actually surprisingly real, considering the scientist engaging in nanotechnology research are admitting that they are fast losing control over their inventions, and numerous organisms and viruses have been known to inhabit human hosts and alter behaviour. However, this is still highly sensationalised and debatable.

I feel it is important at this point to mention that I fully respect your initial intention and the integrity of your original post.

It is truth that in the era we live in, teelecommunication is the backbone of a lot of human interaction these days. Because of our heavy reliance on this, is it really such an off-the-wall thing to start a thread on the possibilities of being temporarily disabled and detached from our digital diet? Do we always HAVE to harp on hype, always have to take things into generic territory of 'mankind's extinction' when it comes to the year 2012 - a year which only coincidentally coincides to that same number being trumpetted by stupid rekigious zealots?

As a Catholic myself, I find your view of "rekigious zealots"(sic) highly insulting and insensitive. Not that I condone the extremist acts of certain groups of individuals in the name of religion, but I find your view of society rather myopic and naive. Generalising zealots as "stupid" is an extremely childish thing to do, and I hope you retract that comment.

I was actually rhetorically presenting your point on always having to stoop to discussing extinction, which is why I don't understand why you are so vexed by my comment.

Do you know with full knowledge and certainty the way the cycle of the sun works? Can you fortell it? No, and neither can I, hence the attempt to create a rich discussion on this.

Google is your friend.
I admit that predictions of the high solar activity are, to a small degree, worrying, but then again, science can't even get tomorrow's weather right.

I understand your intentions to initiate discussion, but I see the need for coherent arguments that don't contradict one another.

And for the most part, I have kept away from any doomslay prophecizing because, being an agnostic floating to the side of atheism, I personally find any debates based on those arguments to be inconsequential. I do not buy into hype easily - and have based most of what I had to say on some research. The scientific accuracy of the research is, of course, not my expertise, being more of a man of language. But there is certainly no harm in using some research indicators as a means to kickstart a discussion, key word being 'discussion'.

So it would be nice if you could keep your generalization of the discussion to yourself.

Like I said, I was not targeting my comment at you, or your view, but the implications of a major technological breakdown is far more severe than you are considering.

Keep the flames in your pants, so to speak. If you have something concrete to say, by all means, do so! But do it without sweeping all other discussions under the proverbial living room rug of your selective perception. Not all of us are hype-mosquitos, sucking up imaginings of plight-bringers like there's no tomorrow. To assume this as wholeheartedly as you did is an invitation for a poignant retort - a flame, as you call it. So quit your whining if you're the one stirring the pot.

I'm sorry for interrupting a couple of guys discussing the black metal of a fellow Softy. I just thought you might like to have the discussion steered back to your initial topic without dropping the humour.

And isn't it ironic of you to ask me not to sweep other arguments (I'm assuming you wanted to use this word, cunning linguist) under the rug when you are clearly doing that to me?

And just in case you haven't been informed, "flame", in the context I have used it, has been added to the dictionary.

I sincerely hope that I have made myself clear to you, leaving no wispy trails of ambiguity. Once again, I would be most happy to share with you in greater detail some of the more calculated research discoveries and theories about sunspots (They may be accurate, or they might not), but I doubt you'd be interested, since everybody here is just a 'Y2K Reloaded Hype Magnet' to you.

I've actually read up and watched documentaries on it, and I understand fully the potential consequences it has. I just question if we are really helpless in the face of such an event.

And I think I shall repeat myself since you've shown that you've missed out certain points from my previous post. I was not referring to your post.

And besides, billthegeek has taken your thread as another one of those subscribing to the Mayan prophecy. Speaks a lot don't you think?

Do not generalize, and you will be sterilized from the singe of the flames. :)

Nice little rhyme, cunning linguist. You write lyrics?

And please spare me from another lengthy post. You seemed to have lost your plot halfway through, not that I blame you or anything, but I cannot promise you that I will continue this argument. If you wish to continue, you can take it that you win, and I'm a madman running into trees, if that makes you happy. :)

I honestly believe that we are on the same side of this issue, since you mentioned that you do not see it as a serious situation, so how about we call it a truce?
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there has been enough scientific evidence from multiple sources (not the googled ones or even wikipedia but credible scientific journals) that suggests lower sunspots activity in the present cycle,

unless you can come up with 99 pages of calculations to debunk that, there isnt any more room for meaningful intellectual discussion.
there has been enough scientific evidence from multiple sources (not the googled ones or even wikipedia but credible scientific journals) that suggests lower sunspots activity in the present cycle,

unless you can come up with 99 pages of calculations to debunk that, there isnt any more room for meaningful intellectual discussion.


You win! Haha. Thanks for clearing that up, but the question remains; How severely will the flares impact our technology?

Although I must admit that it is extremely satisfying to know I can still come on Soft and have meaningless little arguments over nothing in 2012. :P

You win! Haha. Thanks for clearing that up, but the question remains; How severely will the flares impact our technology?

Although I must admit that it is extremely satisfying to know I can still come on Soft and have meaningless little arguments over nothing in 2012. :P

Well, Revelt, that's why we come to forums right? lol.
If ANY one of us were to speak the way we type on SOFT, some of us would have our lights knocked out and our teeth caved in by now. It sounds hostile, it sounds pseudo intellectual, heck it's downright bloody pretentious (Let's both be honest with ourselves here, lol), but it's also pretty fun in a pointless time-consuming way :) An alternative to YouTube, Facebook and porn!

Nice pointing out some of my typos in the last post. I must admit, I was typing too quickly to edit myself, since I assumed James won't be me a paper grade for it. You have done the same in your posts, but heck, this isn't Grammar school so let's let it slide. :D

No hard feelings mate. It's just part of the banter. ;) It's very nice to see someone who is willing to engage in some lively nonsensical yammer-jabber.

The sunspot activity I was referring to is about the sun's next cycle, the flux. I really don't know if it'll be anything significant though, but it'll be cool (in a skin cancerous kinda way?) to find out what WOULD happen if the sun decided to fart a nice solar fart in our faces.

I still prefer the Zombie Apocalypse thing to happen though. But in Singapore, there won't be shotguns scattered around for us to use. So maybe we can use bamboo sticks or parang? Satay sticks, too. I am secretly nursing a huge throbbing er****** thinking about the possible looting.
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Well, Revelt, that's why we come to forums right? lol.
If ANY one of us were to speak the way we type on SOFT, some of us would have our lights knocked out and our teeth caved in by now. It sounds hostile, it sounds pseudo intellectual, heck it's downright bloody pretentious, but it's also pretty fun in a pointless time-consuming way :) An alternative to YouTube, Facebook and porn!

No hard feelings mate. It's just part of the banter. ;)

The sunspot activity I was referring to is about the sun's next cycle, the flux. I really don't know if it'll be anything significant though, but it'll be cool (in a skin cancerous kinda way?) to find out what WOULD happen if the sun decided to fart a nice solar fart in our faces.

I still prefer the Zombie Apocalypse thing to happen though. But in Singapore, there won't be shotguns scattered around for us to use. So maybe we can use bamboo sticks or parang?

Hahaha. I totally agree. We are really too free.
So boring lor always see people ask about guitar. Must add some spice. :P
Our argument was the result of MDA's BAN !!!

And the new l4d took us into consideration already. FRYING PAN !!! :D
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Hahaha. I totally agree. We are really too free.
So boring lor always see people ask about guitar. Must add some spice. :P
Our argument was the result of MDA's BAN !!!

And the new l4d took us into consideration already. FRYING PAN !!! :D

I am still mourning the loss of some of the sites the MDA has banned, trust me :( Those closed-door nights just ain't the same no more. lol. Is it not my right to use my right hand?!?!

You are right about one major thing though; that whole sham ka-zham of the media hyping up nonsense stuff. One recent case being the swine flu epidemic. Okay, so prevention IS better than cure, and nobody really wants anyone to die from the flu, but jeez; the swine flu is statistically less lethal than your normal every day household flu. Yet it was hyped up to be some sort of airborne AIDS-like disease. And here's a personal gripe I have; idiots walking around with dispensable masks over their faces. That is NOT gonna cut it if there was ever going to be a killer bug going around, so why bother? Plus, it makes them look kinda stupid in an overtly paranoid way.

The media really shoves a lot of bull down our throats. I mean, better with than without it, of course, but the human race really laps up the whole 'we're all going to die together' storylines, so the media serves as our daily dosage of soap opera, vintage Days Of Our Lives style. I'm quite a cynic and I truly feel that contrary to what we WISH the race were like (i.e. Garden of Eden parties, 'do the right thing all the time' morals, etc), we habitually feed off negativity and the bad luck of others. It's just the way we've been wired from young. That's why crappy news always make the headlines, and a charitable event is shoved down to the liner notes.

The MAJOR and almost single reason why Muslims these days have such an unfairly bad rep with a lot of Western civilization is because of the slanted and biased news reporting of the media there. You can talk to some Americans and be amazed at how ignorant they are of the Muslim culture as a whole. It's disgusting, but you can't really blame them because that's all they get to watch on TV.

lootin' and pollutin' is not the way
hear what captain planet has to say
the power is yours!

Give me the Planeteers any day over the 9 o clock news!
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Yeah. It's really sad, but I admit I use it as jokes too often to make me not a tad racist. :P
But my Arab and Muslim friends all take it in good humour, because it's really a joke how afraid people are of dark bearded men.

And I was really tickled by the swine flu thing too. Although it's now politically incorrect to call it that. xD
But I guess it is arguable that it was statistically less lethal due to the hype. People WERE much more careful not to catch it. If you don't have it, it can't kill you right? Haha.

But really, there are too many ways in which we're gonna die, to the point that I have decided to not give a damn. Haha.

And in the spirit of our discussion, I feel it is only right I show you this article. Enjoy.
and all of this falls on my birthday.great.im just gonna grab a couch, a cup of coke,some popcorns in a bowl and get the front seat to the end of the world :cool:

ps:IF there is one..

I'll Bring a cake, some drinks, hold Your Birthday Party... and Your Doomsday Party at the sametime..

ps:IF there is one..

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