1 Aug 06: Mogwai @ Esplanade

I just want them to play Mogwai Fear Satan (all 16 minutes of it!) for the encore and sign my Young Team vinyl after the gig.... i'll die a happy man...


hearing them live compares to nothing! hearing all four guitars together with that sound they make is like being somewhere else :D i couldnt help but just close my eyes at times and feel it ring in my ear

funny thing was the ushers were offering earplugs... why would you wear earplugs on a mogwai concert?! :lol:

the opening and finale was excellent. those who are sitted near the speakers do need the earplugs i suppose. it was rather loud esp towards the ending of the encore. my ears are still slightly ringing even up till now.

and if you're a total purist you can always purchase custom fit earplugs that decrease each frequency proportionally, so that you don't suddenly lose more bottom end than top and ruin what you're listening to. very handy for musicians too of course.
I was next to the speakers..luckily I had my earplugs on. Trsut me, it was a good thing they offered earplugs!
Even so, my ears are ringing abit right now. Heh. :p

Still, it was a great show! The guys were really tired but they were nice enough to sign all the autographs and pose for pix.

I'm sure all who there went home happy. :)
The Mogwai concert was AWESOME !!! The sound and light effects blew my frens and I away. I think the ear plugs were given for fun. I got a pair anyway for souvenior even though I did not use them at all. Wanted to feel the full effects of the amazing music!
Excellent show ... no words could describe ....
Very impressed by the way the whole performance was executed ... Sound and Playing wise ... very glad that I did'nt miss them :D

I was sitting near center circle 1 .. had a good view of the band ... The Sound was Deafening at times (in a brillant way) !...U guys that sat right next to the speakers must have one hell of an experience !

Can someone pls list the songs they played ...appreciate it ..
Well, I was falling asleep when they started playing 'Summer', my fave Mogwai tune... Nice lah. I think it's the 7th song in though.

Best lighting show I've ever seen for a band performance. Goddamn fooken strobe lights!
Fukin awesome experience. Both aurally and visually (although i prefer Sigur Ros's Takk Tour stage visuals better). But the sound at last night's gig was amazing.

I managed to snag the set list... will post it soon.
Bro Aging Youth bro... those strobes were nothing compared to Sonic Youth's Diamond Sea lah....

Good lah the gig. I have renewed interest and faith in Mogwai again. It was "boring songs for boring people" now its much more happy lah.

My Piut My King.
Indeed, it is an amazing experience. Total sonic orgasm. There was this one song where the bassist swapped instrument with the guitarist. That was totally amazing in terms of the huge wall of sound that was generated. It gave me goosebumps thinking of it again. Anybody know which song I am talking about - can shoot me the song title and album from which it's from?
nice sound, nice lights, great great music. even though i'm no longer a big fan (but hell, i'm still buyin the albums) this is really objectively one of the best gigs i ever been to. So glad they played quite a bit of stuff from Young Team and CODY, and the Mr Beast stuff sounded so much better live.

and Jesus, the riffs and noise maaan!!! Freekin doom metal and Isis sial.....so now u can really hear where Isis got their inspiration from.

Yet the restrained way they went abt it was great, love the control.........

And even after being bombarded for so long by so much subpar indie-emo rubbish and copyist shoegazing crap which calls itself postrock nowadsays, you realise Mogwai still bloody kills, and thank heaven!!!!
superprog said:
and Jesus, the riffs and noise maaan!!! Freekin doom metal and Isis sial.....so now u can really hear where Isis got their inspiration from.

Yet the restrained way they went abt it was great, love the control.........

Wow even Jesus showed up huh !!!
best part was one of those songs in the encore where you can hear the soundwaves go through your brain in both sides of your ear... cant really describe it but it almost felt like brain freeze. i was immobile for a few seconds hehehe

loved it! mogwai is all about music. no corny posing and moshpits

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