020107 @ NTU - Hohohoho.... LOTS of pics

Poke? Saber?


*Pic will be removed later 8)
ShredCow said:
DEFINATELY MUST BE RECESSED!!! I dunno how to play if the bridge cannot move or can only move down.... :twisted:

Btw, Ed, my Saber has 22 frets and 6105 tall narrow frets lah!

arrgggh.... i hate choooo.... you're not my stereotypical shredder! arrrgghhh... you're different! arrggghhhh....

so technically in my books... you're not a shredder. dammit... no more shred jokes for you! :twisted:
i have extra respect for shredcow playing ability after seeing the poking pic. Did you guys see that while trying to poke edo, his fretting finger was still doing strings bending 8O

man, poke and bend..!!!!

PatheinRaindropMoe said:
i have extra respect for shredcow playing ability after seeing the poking pic. Did you guys see that while trying to poke edo, his fretting finger was still doing strings bending 8O

Check out the hand playing edo's guitar!

Its Ciel's!
his palms are on the wank bar.... was he doing that horse "neeeeiiiiigggghhhhhhrrrnrnrnrnrnrnnrnrnrggggg" sound?
Edder, shiok huh? :D

At the end of the day, we had some fun lah. Ark did some drumming, it was mean, and slightly progressive orientated, pretty zoned out coolness! Jams were... erm... weird. hahaha.... and the volume was RIDICULOUS LAH - but normal for ciel & ark, bloody insane people :lol:

going to going to.... just got some new parts... akan datangg! plus is HUAT AH mods is quite difficult to implement....
kank_39 said:
Next time u go la... People bring down their effect collection.. You bring down your guitar collection... :roll: :twisted:

I have... um.... 1 guitar... 1 amp... 1 cab... 4 pedals...
Er.. I was actually referring to cpt_oreo. He has an insane collection of guitars.

Actually, My setup is the same as yours. Exactly 1 guitar...1amp...1 cab...4 pedals. This is going to kill me but... Who needs pedals when you can have an amp to wail on and chugga chugga on. :P
ShredCow said:
I want a pedaltrain.


Hehe, I went to see jono's pedaltrainpro...the hardcase is SO DARN HUGE. I couldn't bear the sight of myself lugging that around, ppl might think I'm as good as the quality of the case and pedals inside. So better not bhb. You, on the other hand, could buy it from him tho! I know you wanted the pedaltrain frame only, makes sense too la.

I guess I'm down to waiting for mrmisse's large baby...=)
KennethC said:
Hehe, I went to see jono's pedaltrainpro...the hardcase is SO DARN HUGE. I couldn't bear the sight of myself lugging that around, ppl might think I'm as good as the quality of the case and pedals inside. So better not bhb. You, on the other hand, could buy it from him tho! I know you wanted the pedaltrain frame only, makes sense too la.

I guess I'm down to waiting for mrmisse's large baby...=)

You were the guy!

I wanted the frame, I would have forked out $200 for it but the hardcase... hai.... my back would break a 2nd time if I carried that around.

Wait for Mrmissie big board loh. I got only a few more pdeals coming in, can liao! :lol:
kank_39 said:
Er.. I was actually referring to cpt_oreo. He has an insane collection of guitars.

Actually, My setup is the same as yours. Exactly 1 guitar...1amp...1 cab...4 pedals. This is going to kill me but... Who needs pedals when you can have an amp to wail on and chugga chugga on. :P

Haha steady. Simple setups rox my sox!

Next time we gotta find a place to blast the amps into infinity and beyond!
ciel said:
ah seng forget the huat mod for pedals. U need the huat mod for your homebrews!

they're already true bypassed. what more do you need for the brews?

orange drops????

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