The Music Lab

Hey thanks Alvin for teaching me how to Transcribe and Play those Songs. I showed my Transcription to my Band-Leader and he was so very Happy - Saying..." Good - Now you're learning Music and the Transciption looks great" and "Great Drumming Instructor you really have - that's what I've always wanted you all (my band members) to know - "LISTENING With Your Ears - is very very important - needs training - and that not as easy as it seems"

So Alvin, I ought to let you know this and thanks for being a Wonderful Drumming Instructor all these while - I'm really so proud of you.

PS: - I've already Transcribe the other song you've ask me to - shall bring it this Saturday and you shall go through it for me ok....thanks...I am really enjoying my Drumming man....

Cheers !

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I believe the reason why Music Lab is receiving the accolades is simply because the instructors and syllabus there are great. Good words will certainly go around! :D

PS: I've got a friend who might be taking up lessons at the lab soon too. ;)
i do believe that there's always room for improvement. for one, alvin has been furiously trying to find a suitable location for the school thats bigger and more comfortable, while juggling his playing and teaching duties.

and i know that once he has more time, he'll probably get started (if he hasn't already) on book 2 syllabus. meanwhile, book 1 is great, what makes it better is that he had given all of us (myself, mark, johan) the flexibility to use it as a framework but allow us to supplement it with our specialty and focus.

still, its great to have positive feedback. thanks !!! :mrgreen:
Hey Eric, No prob!! It takes two hands to clap really....if you're willing to learn, you WILL learn!! You've been an excellent student to teach!!

As for the lab...I'm really proud of how its growing and I owe it all to the great personalities we have on board!! I can't say how proud I am of our drumming team right now!! Kudos to Alfe, Mark and KeyJohan!!! You guys rock!!!

Mel!! Thanks for your kind words and support! Eh, must drop by for dinner somtime k?? Mon, wed and thurs will be great...Alfe, Mark and I are all there so we can really catch up!! Drop by ah???
Sure thing Alvin! Will find a day to bring my friend down to register at the lab and catch up with you folks soon. I miss the western food at the foodcourt! :D
Hey Alvin... any idea when is the next shipment of those great Turkish delights at a great price? I have yet to complete my collection of the custom series cymbals :)
Bro DH: I was at the Lab for my lesson last week (waiting for lesson) and someone grab a set of the Turkish (hats, crash, Ride and some other pieces) - - It's really running low already......You want some more Turkish izzit - Alvin has a very nice China (the one you drill the hole) - but he didn't want to sell ley Kekekeke !.

Cheers !
Sorry about the current stock level....we're moving to a bigger location in a month's new order will be made then.

Will keep everyone posted. DH....I will e-mail you a quote once I get some time...I've been extremely busy...running low on air...apologies!
Guys just a sneak preview...:-

The Music Lab will soon have its own jamming facilities! Studios should be opened for booking soon in about 2 weeks time so look out for more details here!!

Location is the same but we'll be re-arranging the rooms around. The Music Lab's classes will be shifted to our new premises at Middle road in 1.5 weeks. The rooms now will be re-equipped with new amps. I'll try to keep pricing as low as we can afford....

Will keep everyone informed!
I've tried rehearsing with the Olivia Ong Quintet in one of the bands and although it can fit 6 musicians, its tight.

Not 100% firmed but most likely the rooms will be equipped with a Pearl Target, Pearl Forum, Turkish Cymbals, Laney Amps.
Hi Alvin

I went to the - NEW Music Lab last Saturday (wow.wwww place is nice - very very spacious) love it alot....and I saw this Green Coloured Drums in Fade with Black Hardwares .... it's a Pearl ...nice.eee loud and warm sounding Kit...simply awesome.eee

I was thinking - Can I try playing on it this comming Saturday during my lessons (just once)...Oh.hh comon just a 5 minutes ok Bro, I know it's your Baby? .... Kekekeke ! Say Yes Please.eeeeeeeee.

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Official location of the new MusicLab please! And is the old place ready to take in jammers? :mrgreen: