Guitar wall hang vs stand

For this Hari Raya, both my gtrs were taken down & evicted from 'MY extra room' and theyre know tuck away safely in gig bags hidden from view. The wifie thinks theyre 'buat semak" & an eyesore .... :rolleyes:.

Since I dont see 'em, I dont play 'em like whenever I feel like. Equals less playing. Thats the down side.
So, its only weekends that I take 'em out for a run.

i hate it when my girlfriend nags too much bout my guitars too..
*didn't mean to bump this thread*
but uh guys, won't hanging it on a wall or a stand expose it to more moisture = easier to rust? sorry if its a stupid question lol.
@ qiangheh, if it's the strings rusting that you're talking about, then just wipe them down with a dry cloth regularly. That helps for me, at least. My strings seem to last forever that way. Nothing beats keeping it in the case when you're not playing, though.

Very true. hangers and stands are convenient but guitars always gather dust, with bags I don't have to clean them that often. In fact thinking of getting hardcases for better protection.
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Try to invest in good hard cases for your precious guitars. Good hard cases provide neck supports that help prevent neck warps. (To a certain extent at least...)

For the gigging crowd, hard cases are very very heavy (no matter how cool it looks carrying them). With soft cases, you can carry your axe on your back, look half as cool, but have free hands to hold your other gear! Rock Bag is my preferred choice man.

IMO, I use hard cases for long term storage, soft cases for gigging, and stands in my jam environment for temporary in-between-songs shoulder relief.

Cheers! :)

I second that. I've been playing guitar since 1991, & I've seen all sorts of accidents a noob can do to a guitar & I can tell you from experience the best & safest position for a guitar is lying flat (prone), preferably cocooned inside a hard case.

Also, cleaning dust off a guitar with it's many parts is a b*tch to do.
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Use a stand so that you don't have to drill holes in your wall. When you're not playing, keep your guitar in a case or a bag.
I like to keep my guitar on my stand 24/7 as i can just pick it up and practice easier. Also gives me more motivation to practice hahaha
I have 2 hercules wall guitar hanger, been using them for months, no problem.

Just remember to go and pray infront of the hangers before you sleep to ensure that it holds your guitar firmly