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  • Hi there Sub,

    I just got my brand new ESP guitar KH-2 SE limited production 2011 from Davis. I need help on doing set-up as my guitar having string buzz coz recently I went down to Davis to restring and seems like the set up is not properly done by them...I need your recommendation on sending my guitar to any expert guitar specialist to redo the set up on my ESP guitar S.O.S!.Here's my hp no 96369908 Rozlan...Your help would be much appreciated...Thanks
    Hey subversion. i need help with choosing an amplifier.

    Ive listed a few : VOX Pathfinder 15R, VOX DA5, VOX Mini3, Ibanez TB
    15, Marshall MG15CDR, Orange Crush 15.

    hehe, i need help choosing which amplifier. please help me. I use some effect pedal so which amp would sound great with and without effect pedals? hehe. please reply asap and help me. thank you. you may add some advice. and my budget is $100+ maybe $200+, not much. hehe
    Hey there sub!!
    was going through the forums, and saw u bought a Gibson les paul standard?
    How much does 1 cost from swee lee brand new after discount now?
    friends- thanx for the bits here... but em, i seldom check this section. appreciate PM/ e-mail :)
    hey dude i'm comtemplating a new amp buy and would to like to ask for ur opinion on the Vox valvetronix and Line 6 Spryder.

    Many thanks in advance
    My name is Ananth, I'm from India. I'm a music afficiando [Most of sub-genres of Rock and Metal] and I'll be visiting Singapore between the 14th and 19th. Could you suggest me any gig that is really worth going as I am interested in checking out some Singaporean bands that aren't too well known to people outside.
    dude, what do you think of the edge 3 bridge on an ibanez rg370 dx..? isit good..? by the way..when is this years swee lee sale..?
    Hi Subversion,

    Thanks for helping me out with the hollow bodies at Sweelee yesterday afternoon. Am planning to head down to Sims Drive to check out the AF125 flamed top.

    Hey sub, can you review the epiphone joe perry boneyard les paul standard plus top? THANKS A LOT!!!!
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