Electro-Harmonix: Metal Muff



Electro-Harmonix: Metal Muff

List: $160

Drive hunters would welcome the Metal Muff into the intense distortion fold gleefully. This is the manufacturer’s maiden attempt at hard-distortion as its reputation has always been with the fuzz-laden Big Muff & its derivatives. The Metal Muff is a dual switch stomp box which offers a 3-band EQ in addition to a top boost function.

Upon activation, if you are of the impression that this muffin would out-perform a Metal Zone/ Uber Mteal unit, be informed that the manufacturer has remained rooted to tradition- it’s a fuzz stomp box. Do not be put off as yet because the MM offers an intense interpretation of this drive type, so there’s plenty of metal in this black box.

The awe-inspiring element of this pedal has to be its EQ section. Being centre dented, it offers a rather wide range of sweep, particualrly in the midrange. The advice here would be to manipulate the trio incrementally rather than operate them in due recklessness. This reviewer was initially upset with the distortion sweep on offer as a maxed-out setting still renders the output quite lacking. However, the gem of this pedal lies in its volume knob; you have to turn it up to realize the metal in this muff- volume complements the drive intensity, this pedal is NOT dysfunctional... Polite, restrained, prudent users, need not apply.

Moving on to the top boost function, the intention here is to offer a surge in your upper frequencies to promote audibility in times of need; solos for instance. Be mindful of the amount you inject because at higher top boost settings, things get very protrusive & bass devoid. One thing for sure, it’ll make bottom heavy humbuckers stand out in the mix.

If you are new to the EHX brand name, its built should not be contested; the manufacturer's goodwill is built on this aspect. The gripe with this muff (as with others) is that there is a need to completely remove the baseplate for battery access. The MM is an above-average contender in the hard distortion arena, but some users might reject it for its fuzz factor which makes its presence heard.

Rating: 8/10

Worthy adversaries:
• Boss: Metal Zone
• Digitech: Metal Master
• Marshall: Jackhammer
• Line6: Uber Metal
• Danelectro: Black Coffee
dane electro

does it hav low output?? cuz i think it does. i own one and when i turn up da volume on da pedal, da sound quality changes.
yes it can give an overdrive sound, but IMO not exactly entirely tweakable sound cos the dist is still present when the dist knob is set to zero.

i keep my output knob past 12 o'clock fyi, god-like tone, trashes the MT-2 hands down imo :)
the Metal Muff is doing a fine job in its own turf. it's inevitable that many would mention the Metal Zone in comparison but the latter pedal needs some refinement to keep up with the market offerings. however, there is a sizeable pool of users who are happy with it as it is.

if you audition the Metal Muff, remember to pump up the volume- it makes a difference... 8)
Yo Sub.. In Comparison btwn the Metal Muff and the Black Coffee.. Which is value for money? I had a hard time choosing either one.. :(
the MM- i prefer because it has a boost function + a full range EQ. the black cofee lacks a midrange control so you get a variation of a scooped tone; don't get me wrong- some people prefer this setting exclusively. there's no 'bad' here, just choose something which works for you 8)

another consideration- the MM has a certain degree of fuzz which is a hit/ miss; depends on your drive voicing preference.

also, ARTEC has the Crazy Metal pedal to give the Black Coffee a run for the $$$. personally, the Crazy Metal is less nasal in certain settings which is a good consideration if you wish for a healthy single note definition.
hmmm.. i don't really understand whats a fuzz type of pedal..
currently, on my zoom g2.1u, the fuzz module gives a very thick with lots of bottom end kind of distortion.
hence, my understanding of fuzz, is somewhat like a bass on distortion..
but isnt the metal muff supposed to be a high gain pedal with saturated tone?
i've tried the nano version along with rocktron mp and an mt-2, and this seems to be in the same zone to me..
fuzz is a type of distortion, sounds more like a bee buzzing, to put it bluntly... 8) perhaps the hendrix fuzz would be the best example of what it's all about.

unlike distortion, the fuzz might generate ill definition in the lower-midrange/ bass.
has anyone tried getting classic rock tones out of this pedal? i'm pretty interested in the boost function, but im not looking for a metal distortion :?
oh cool thanks for the tip! but i noticed that it doesn't have a top boost footswitch like the metal muff! I'm looking for something that can be boosted on the go... maybe i would be better off with a distortion and OD combo.
the double muff concept is employing 1 muff to boost the other. if you want an EQ boost (top end) it would make more sense to employ an EQ pedal, yes?
tried this pedal today.. im going to get it real real soon..
hey sub.. just asking.. any good ODs that make a good combi with this baby?
although well all know what the top boost is for.. but it just kills the bass..
it cuts through for solos, but a little too treblish for me..
so suppose i'll get an od along with it for a subtle drive.. what OD will work well with the metal muff?
i've tried the Fulltone OCD + TS9 combo.. beautiful.. but too pricey..
so im thinking of getting a metal muff plus an OD..
although its in a totally different drive range.. i just love the sound of this baby.. 8)
the Top Boost was indeed meant to drown out the bass for more solo indulgences... if you think you need more EQ balance, adding an EQ pedal post Metal Muff would be a thoughtful inclusion 8)

if you are gonna add any more drive pre-Metal Muff, it'll be a little overkill + noise inducing but this is exactly what i'm doing; i'm using the pocket Metal Muff instead...
pocket metal muff as in the micro or nano version?
anyways, hope it doesnt trouble you that much..
being a 'metal' oriented pedal, whats the distortion sweep of this guy?
can it handle more subtle kinds of distortion?
i noticed even at the gain turned to zero, i achieved a heavy crunch still..
maybe its my guitar, or the amp, i aint that sure..
i own both, these days, i utilize the NANO MM the most. it has the MM fundamentals without other frills 8)

the MM's distortion offering is a little harsh even with the gain lowered. if you need a subtle voicing, opt for a non-metal distortion instead.

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