drumset for around 1.5- 1.75k budget...


New member
What do you guys recommend for a drumset around 1.5 to 1.75k budget...
i heard the pearl export and yamaha stage custom is good right? how about the others? any other recommendations?
Is tama rockstar a good set?
i'm looking mainly at the sound quality...
try peace?

i think peace is good from ezimusic. take the DNA pure maple set. not bad the colour also very exotic. ask ricky i think he may let you try. its lower then your budget too.. use the money for double pedal? etc etc. more worth it. my peace demolition is 9 ply mahagony. tama and pearl only 7 6 ply. worth looking at ya
do drums with pure material mean it's better sounding?
i know it is subjective to an extent but i was just wondering if like u said a pure maple set is really such a good deal?
I do not realli know much about drum materials so just asking to get the significance of a pure material drumset...

i used a stage custom.. its quite ok.. only if u changed a skin.. another alternative u could do is try to fleece more from your parents.. or if not, rob a bank. :) maybe u can try winning some soccer bets.. then buy a pearl msx.. hahaha.. i have a 13k full-setup.. it rocks.. :)
hmm wat skins should i get for stage custom?
or in general? like how do i know wat type of skin is good for what purpose?
Hey guys need your views too.

My school's been looking for a drumset to go with the band (concert, yeah, different from the usual bands here lol) and I've been quoted 2 sets for around the same price.

1 is a Gretsch fusion set with Paiste cymbals and the other is a Premiere standard set with Zildjian cymbals.

What do y'all think?
I'd go for Pacific Drums' FS (or FXR depending on the setup i want) or Ludwig's Accent CS Custom Elite for that kind of money. All three kits are 100% birch and have awesome finishes.
hey mgbass...since im a concert band member too,heres my advice...

ive seen too many bands with power sized drumsets and muffled them lifeless. In concerts,they would sound like thuds.

I think get a fusion sized drumset, some good heads that allows it to sing ( Evans G1 maybe ).

Most importantly is the hardware, coz schools arent willing to fork out for band all the time. Get something that would really last. yamaha maybe. especially thrones ( probably the most underlooked hardware ) because you get new batches and generations of drummers each intake.

good luck :)
thanks guys~

The keywords here are "tight budget". Schools seldom have very big budget for instruments so I'm trying my best to get something reasonable. Yamaha's quotation was over... (boss shook his head haha...)

The other 2 quotations ain't that bad... good cymbals too. N good servicespeople haha...
Hey not that school have no big budgets its onli where they want to spend it. Seen too many cases......