Did I ruin my finish?


New member
Hey, I'm only 15, and 2 years ago, I was even more of an idiot, and when I got my Fender American Telecaster for christmas, I immediately peeled off the stickers that showed it was real and whatnot. Now I have this uneven color on the pickguard, and I thought it would eventually fade away, but there's still distinct marks from where the stickers used to be.

WHAT DO I DO?!!?!?!

What the lovelovelovelove? I'm not going to do that, I love this thing, and want to know how to actually solve it, even if I have to buy a new pickguard
There you just answered your own question...
anyway i dont understand how come peeling out that sticker immediately would cause such a problem coz i did the same thing but no such problem
anyway no worries man its just a pickguard it can be easily replaced
First thing, pickguard (most) is not even finished at all. That colour difference was just a difference between aged and not-aged part of the pickguard. Anyway, I like that it's turned yellow and many people likes an aged pickguard too. If you don't like it that way, don't worry, pickguard can be dis and re-assembled very easily. I've never owned a telecaster before, but it may require some wiring to it to be done. You can learn it, it's very simple. While doing that, you can clean up your frets and fretboard too ;P
I must that I myself love aged guitars but that isnt the way an aged pickguard should ever look like
change the pickguard. same thing happened to my tele. now got one big white stain on an otherwise very nicely aged pickguard... leaving it in the open to hopefully even out the yellowing xD
hmm if i were u maybe i would try to clean the pickguard using some turpentine/thinner to see if i could restore the shine on the pickguard

but if u do decide to try this method do start out with a little little dap of turpentine/thinner and wipe it on a small area to see if it works, i am not sure if there is a layer of protective coating on the fender pickguard but if it does the thinner would probably eat it away and leave u in an even worse position. perhaps u could try cleaning it with something less abrasive such as alcohol?
@huxleyrittman I think you should just leave the pickguard as it is... so that everytime when u see it you will be like "Oh God Why..." and this will help you to remind yourself not to have itchy fingers haha !.. Anyways, you can easily get a replacement pickguards and that should do the job..
hmm if i were u maybe i would try to clean the pickguard using some turpentine/thinner to see if i could restore the shine on the pickguard

but if u do decide to try this method do start out with a little little dap of turpentine/thinner and wipe it on a small area to see if it works, i am not sure if there is a layer of protective coating on the fender pickguard but if it does the thinner would probably eat it away and leave u in an even worse position. perhaps u could try cleaning it with something less abrasive such as alcohol?

Additional note: You might make the pickguard turn hazy. Just try on a small area with alcohol first, like he said, unless you desperately want to remove it and don't mind the haze. Sometimes you can make the cloth stick to the pickguard too. It should work though.
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