Anybody know where to get this guitar Bag? help needed.


New member
Hi guys just wondering i've been searching for this guitar bag for quite long, and seriously its hard for me to find it here. any of you know where to find it? it would be a very great help. and seriously its not a fancy bags, im just comfortable with this ones. and i lost it a few years back.
whoa, okay i agree it's not a fancy bag.. no idea where to get those here, but if you don't mind plain bags that are functional (with reasonable amount of padding and price not too high) i'll recommend you the gator delux bag from yamaha. it's around $50 to $60 (can get some discount if you sign up for the free membership)

if i'm not wrong, this bag was $40 7 years ago, but i think inflation eh.. haha. it's black too, ultra loads of padding, and can last at least 2 years before wearing out. my acoustic bag is half torn, but still usable, but my electric bag is still pretty much intact. be sure to check it's the "delux" version though.. it has a nice velvet, carpet like fabric on the insides, unlike the cheaper ones!

usually i won't recommend getting stuff from yamaha cause of the $$ but no choice, i think they're the sole dealer for gator bags here.. and these particular gators are worth it, compared to rock bags and mono which are $100 and beyond.