your favourite distortion or overdrive setting

Ds-1 - Tone at 1 oclock, distortion at 9 or 12 o'clock, level at 1 o clock
SD -1 - Tone at 1 oclock, drive at 9 or 3 oclcock, level at 12 oclock
Tech 21- Triac
Mode:Brit Drive 4 o clock-Low's3 o clock. Mids- 1 oclock Highs- 2 o cl
ock. Level-12 o clock
Ts-9 Tone 9 o clock, Level 12 o clock Gain 7 o clock
imsuchajoker said:
Tech 21- Triac
Mode:Brit Drive 4 o clock-Low's3 o clock. Mids- 1 oclock Highs- 2 o cl
ock. Level-12 o clock
Ts-9 Tone 9 o clock, Level 12 o clock Gain 7 o clock

Thats a VERY high drive setting for the TRI AC. Its likely to be quite noisy... why don't you try upping the TS9's gain to say, 10 oclock (while adjust level to balance output vol) and drop the TRI AC's gain to 3 oclock?

Anyway... for me...
Skreddy Screwdriver... Presence somewhere in center, Gain and Tone @ 1 oclock.
Hellbilly Vol 12 oclock, Tone @ 1030, Gain @ 2oclock

The other pedals, the Sansamp Classic and modded TS9DX... well... does it apply?
Yeah shred its pretty noisy haha. thanks for the suggestion.
Anyway hows the skreddy?
Hook it up properly then post more sound clips lei :) :D
imsuchajoker said:
Anyway hows the skreddy?
Hook it up properly then post more sound clips lei :) :D

Skreddy is doing well. I'm thinking of kicking the TS9DX off my board now. Its starting to sound awfully compressed. My TRI AC is off, and up for grabs.


Randolfed TS9DX.
Toggle switch down (baked mode: more gain)
Gain @ 10 oclock
Tone @ 2 oclock
Level @ 11 oclock
Mode @ +

My TRI AC, for hi gain, used to be...
Bass: 12 oclock
Mids: 1130 oclock
Treble: 2 oclock
Drive: 3 oclock

With the TS9DX, the TRI AC, has great punchy chug.. I'm not a bassy, wall of sound chugging guy... but it was beautifully tight.
z.vex super duper 2-in-1 with the first (yellow) boost set to about 11 o'clock and the second boost off going into a z.vex fuzz factory with the gate at about 1 o'clock, compression 9 o'clock, drive 11 o'clock, stability 5 o'clock into a foxrox zim (set to channel a->channel b) with channel a and b gain at slightly above halfway up, tone slightly towards "cut", and voice set to 7. godly raunchy boutique pedal tone!
based on running thru a JCM800.

Marshall Guv'nor [for rock tones] - Drive 2 o'clock, Bass 12'oclock, Treble 12 o'clock, Mid-boost at 1 o'clock, Frequency-sweep at approx 1 o'clock Level 10 o'clock.

AMT Rammstein [metal tone] - Level 11 o'clock, Bass 10 o'clock, Treble 9 o'clock, Drive 1 o'clock.

volume pedal at the end of the chain, going to the amp, master volume boost for solos.
ShredCow said:
Skreddy is doing well. I'm thinking of kicking the TS9DX off my board now. Its starting to sound awfully compressed. My TRI AC is off, and up for grabs

is the tri ac overdrive or distortion? cuz i was hoping to get an overdrive pedal for my own chain after getting my delay

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