Your Ears Are YOUR Livelihood; Protect Them Now

xypher - it will help protect your ears, but it wont help you hear better - in fact it will be much harder for you because IEM style earbuds are designed to keep ambient noise out.

etymotics, on the other hand, are designed for a fuller reproduction of the frequency spectrum, with some attenuation of dangerous high freqs. What you hear is basically everything, but just way softer, and with less piercing highs.
hey, i truly agree with james here and the article. i have a little tinnitus on my left ear and I've been considering going to the audiologist to make sure i'm okay and I take the necessary steps to protect myself. can anyone recommend a good audiologist ? (without breaking my wallet)
anyone knows where to get those silicon ear plugs with colourful strings attached to it? Mine's the one from hearos and the cord's about to break due to the bending etc etc :?
Oh great, thanks for sharing:

US$12 so its about S$20 over here i guess...

and btw, you all keep asking where to get! lol the dealer locator on the webpage ain't for fun ya know :wink: (yeah i know most us sites has got no sg deals but hey, worth a shot to check)

as visa mentioned earlier, from the site, these are the official dealers of the er20 ear-plugs in sg:

Stereo Electronics - Causeway Point #04-08
Apple Center @ Funan - Funan IT Mall #05-07
Hung Brothers Electrical - Sim Lim Square #03-83
Jaben Network - The Adelphi #04-16
I honestly don't think the Apple Center would sell earplugs... you can definitely get them from Hung Brothers though. You can try the one at the Adelphi as well, I think they may have them there.
quite true... maybe the apple branch only sells their earphones products, not the earplugs...

oh well if any1 here happens to drop by there please do let us know...

if they don't, well, we still have aldelphi is across the street :twisted:
kerplunk - in case you didn't catch that, the silicon earplugs with the colourful strings attached are the etymotics earplugs that everyone's been talking about. i believe the currently retail is SGD$25 at Hung Brothers in Sim Lim, and some other stores.
$25...gotta save cash..for now I'm gonna stick to the NS earplugs..

anyways,does listening to music everyday on the radio affect one's ear as badly as jamming? I mean jamming is just 3 hours of loud music..but sometimes I just find myself listening to music for every moment I'm at home..will it really kill my haircells?
mass ordering can bring down the price a bit... a friend of mine did a massive MO for etymotics and he managed to get abt 18.5o a piece. but sorry, count me out cos i've got mine already :)

aenimic - it really depends on how loud you're listening to your radio... if its like a whisper quiet volume, its ok... if its loud enough for your next door and upstairs downstairs neighbour to hear... then of course you'll have hearing damage.

sometimes listening to a lot of music won't damage your ears, but it will give you ear fatigue... i vary the kinda of music i listen to throughout the day. jazz / experimental when i'm working or when i get home, rock to keep me awake when i'm driving or on the bus. the variety keeps me interested and keeps my ears from getting overloaded with too much of the same.

i used to listen to my walkman at FULL volume... especially my metallica, nirvana and all the stuff that used to be trendy 10 years ago haha... man what a mistake. i don't wanna know how much of my hearing i've destroyed already.

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