Don't think being the first band to perform is a disadvantage huh...Great show of confidence.
Lol, thanks.
Truth be known, our morale took quite a huge bump earlier on. I think that statement helped in two ways:
1) Boost our own morale despite the fact that we have to be the first band and that we have to settle for an unfamiliar guitar (long story really, but we have only ourselves to blame)
2) Urge all the finalists to give it all they got because I personally don't want this competition to be a bore. Tonight was only our third live performance as a band, and so far the advice we got from the seniors in the scene is to treat it like another jam session.
I kinda disagree to that though. I really think that the audience should pay attention to all the finalists, but in order for them to do so, us as performers need to be working to grab attention. That's why we made that "challenge"; not to diss or offend, but to ask that everyone give their all.
Here's the breakdown. Correct me if I am inaccurate:
Grand Prize: Saywhale
Distinguished Award: Rockblasta
Encouragement Award: Madhatter
Best guitarist: Hellven
Best vocalist: Madhatter
Best bassist: Monstar Phunk
Best keyboardist: Sketch
Best drummer: The House of Anonymous