It's not about supressing prices, nor is it about trying to justify NOT paying GST. The topic in essence is about whether the GST offset giveaways is enough to actually offset, or cushion the blow of the rising prices, or even just GST. The major consensus of what I see on that link is: No.
Why is that the general consensus then?
Perhaps when it was first planned and decided, it was enough. Perhaps the amount was calculated based on basic expenses (face it la, the governement won't offset GST for our GAS
), on the inflation rate set a few months back, at the prices that was valid back then. I believe the GST off set package was planned and announced even before things got this bad. Back then our economy was in a boom, people see the amount as an incentive rather than an aide.
Remember though, 7% of prices some 3-5 months ago is not the same as 7% of prices now. Right now, things ARE bad. Even worse when you have to pay for more with the same wage that you earn 3 months back. Now, not only are prices of oil and food are going up, transportation and utility is going up too. And still the wage is stagnant. Seems like the $100-$250 giveaways is the amount that would help to offset some GST back then, just not at
current prices.
This may be tolerable for some, but the lower income families will have a hard time. Even if you do earn more than a decent living, those of us who have a family to feed and take care of, will still find it hard living too.
What worries me in the first place is that it SEEMS that the problem was not anticipated. Instead, Singaporeans are dealt with the blow of new ERP gantries being planned as well as the possibility of a hike in electricity bills, and who knows what else in the future. It's like we are caught off guard by a situation that needs to be addressed quickly, but we have other pursuits of major interest in our way which is already in the no-turning-back zone, so we have to go ahead with it and concentrate on that first and put this on hold.
Like you said, nothing much we can do. But that doesn't mean we can't be worried. For some of us, we have parents to pay everything for. For others, WE are the parents.