SOLD WTS Zoom G2.1Nu (Open Thread and See Pictures)

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New member
I got this on the last week of the month of June last Year

Bought in City Music out of Compulsion


Played it a few times for a week or two
here's a video of me using the "whammy" effect of the pedal.

But my wife was 3 months pregnant back then and after storing this inside its box under the bed, i completely forgot about it mainly bacause i didnt have time to play with it because i was doing all the chores while my wife was pregnant. then we went to another country in november and stayed there for 5 months and we just came back a month ago so this was just sitting under the bed since july last year

I still have everything that came with it since I bought it

So now I wanna sell it for $200 PRICE IS FINAL

Q:doesnt city music sell it for only $259.25?
A:Yes, they do sell it for that price but that price doesnt include the Zoom Power adaptor.

Yes, you need to buy the power adaptor seperately when you buy this at is $ the real price is $280.25 if you buy it brand new.
But I'll be including the power adaptor free.

So this is what you'll be getting for $200.

It doesnt come with a USB cable

I used to do deals at Buangkok MRT Station but now that i have a baby to take care of I cant do deals there anymore, you have to go to my place. a few minutes walk from the MRT.
so send me a message if you're interested 98649017

I guess thats it.. if you think there's something you need to ask about this pedal click here-

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