WTB BASS DI Please Help


New member
Hi, i guess this questions been asked so many times, but comparing Sans Amp and MXR 80 Bass DI, which one is better? I know that Sans Amp is good for tube simulation, and MXR is for distortion, which one is most preferred by musicians here?
Another question is where do i buy them here in Singapore? I am just a new learner....so hopefully all the lao chiao can help.
Thank You.
hi stonebazz,

there are at least two threads that has been up comparing the SansAmp and MXR Bass DI. Would be good to search around. i think you'll find more answers there than have people repeat what they have said in the previous threads ...

Actually both pedals are good. I've tried both and personally I prefer the MXR, mostly due to the stronger distortion/overdrive tone. The Sansamp has a more vintage tone, which some prefer. You can check out Ebenex..they have lots of pedals for sale there. Sansamp you can get from Ebenex. As for the MXR, probably can find it at Swee Lee at Sims Drive, or maybe try your luck at Ranking Sports opposite Swee Lee at Bras Basah. Go and try both before you decide. Good luck!