worst thing that happened in school

oh yeah! Forgot something. There's this overhead bridge right outside our school. I think some of the ahbeng student actually spray something like" Mr Dic Yip is a DICK" or sth like that. And he drew obsene stuffs on the bridge too.. but yeah.
fatcat: sorry,it's nothing personal. but just look at the things you said you did. I mean, no sane member of society would do all that. and it's funny how you claim to be a skinhead and damn garang and 'heck care', but was hurt by my feeble online jibe. and I don't think I've been bugging you since last year. don't flatter yourself. I don't even remember your username before this.
that being said, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.
strats said:
haha the top 3 things you school's famous for:


2)the so called "kc and sps" pairing

3)the school band

The principal of KC really hates us SP guys to the core. The have stopped allowing guys above the age of 12 into their annual family day carnival unless you can prove that you have a biological sister studying in that school.

One of my ex classmates sneaked into the carnival by climbing over the fence but was caught in the act by the KC staffs.... :?
STOP! now lets not go offtopic. maybe if u guys wanna argue, we shld create a FLAMING thread for u guys to argue over there hahaha
nitrovo said:
In year one, would have been 6 or 7, my teacher didnt let me go to the toilet and i kept asking and she kept saying no i so pissed on the floor. I just stood there and pissed my pants :|

Now everyone will think im a weirdo lol
I was just looking thru the threads and saw this pissing affair again. Lol. I remember ALOT of the kids in my pri school happily pissed in their pants/skirts whenever they're denied permission to head off to the toilet for nature calls. (And I really mean ALOT. Man, I swear this is so true)

And nope, I wasn't one of them in case you were wondering. 8O The pissing problem seemed so severe that there was a staff meeting about it and apparently, teachers were not allowed to deny a kid's right to go piss in the toilet anymore. From then onwards, no matter where we are, the teachers would always be asking "Anyone needs to go to a toilet?" during certain intervals of their lessons or whatever. Heh
hahaha..reminds me of my primary school guy best friend who cried cos he peed in his pants..that was the first time i saw him cried so bad..n i actually laughed at him la..n he dun want to 'friend' me for several days..haha :oops: we still remembered that incident..
DoubleBlade said:
rx7 said:
Haha there was once in my school last year, 2 guys were caught giving each other blowjobs in the cubicle by the Dicipline Master.. Think their parents were informed.. Cool huh.. And yes im from a boys school

St Gabriels Secondary? :roll:

Haha....I heard one of the guys sat on the toilet bowl with both his legs spread out while the other guy did his thing.... :smt078

And they were sec 2s right?
There's a teacher in my school. He's face is just so... ahem. And his eyes are always red and all. He teaches sec 1s, 2s and 3s.
My friends from sec 2 and 3 told me their accounts of what he would do in class.
He would walk around(if there's given work for them to do silently) and he would stand at my friend's table, around the edge there... he was frictioning with it.
Sometimes, he would sit at the teacher's table and because my friend is sitting right in front of him, she would hear noises made by the pants moving here and there.


I miss primary school. I think my primary six class was the best class so far. we were very united and it was the first class i was in to try to prank our teacher on april's fools day.

anyone with haunted schools' stories!?
hey ho let`s go!!!!!!!

VAIYEN...wateva dude!!!!....maybe the nick Dirt can relive ur memories....

but yeah...i`m not flattering myself...so u shouldn`t either.... :lol:

it`s my life...i did it....got nothing to do with u..... :lol: :lol:
hay88 said:
allow me to share abt some dude in my poly class...this dude wrote a love letter to another guy, got rejected and cried.......ok.i'll leave the rest to satch and blahblah to talk about.

this again...hahaha :lol:
DoubleBlade said:
Haha....I heard one of the guys sat on the toilet bowl with both his legs spread out while the other guy did his thing.... :smt078

And they were sec 2s right?

oh my f*ck, tt is sick, sec 2 and alredi gay and horny
wow all your schools like so 'happening' haha
mine is like so ... too tame ..

the worst that happened in my class was that someone distributed porn to 2 or 3 other guys in my class ...

stuff outside of my class i dun really know,i think the worst was caught smoking outside school? not so 'bad' haha

i still can't get over the guys giving the blowjobs ...
now i'm scared who is gonna be in the same class as me next year or whatever years ahead of me ... cuz i'm in a boys school ... *shudder*
Vaiyen said:
oh man..your schs all so interesting. The worst thing that happened in my class was when somebody failed maths.

The worst thing that can happen in my class was when somebody passed maths :lol:
in my school...some scawny sec 1 kid....small kid mind u...was caught with 2 hps..1 was a 6220 and the other 6230i as well as a whole plastic bag fulll of porno vcds....it was all wrapped in newspaper cuttings of women in bikini and bras. i was like....omg.
17wil said:
in my school...some scawny sec 1 kid....small kid mind u...was caught with 2 hps..1 was a 6220 and the other 6230i as well as a whole plastic bag fulll of porno vcds....it was all wrapped in newspaper cuttings of women in bikini and bras. i was like....omg.

haha cool shit.. mshs sure have the fiercest people.. worst that happened in my school is that someon wanked in class and came in his pants.. my school's quite peaceful no violent stuffs.. i smoked in the canteen and didnt get caught..

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