Workshop By Mark Chan!!


New member
Hi All, The Music Lab will be running a drum workshop by Mark Chan. Some of you may have already met him. He is currently finishing his music degree in Australia and is trained in all genre of music. I've seen him jam when he was home the last time and his grooves are deep. Here's a great chance to learn the concepts of funk and blues at a low low fee....

Here the link to the flyer:
Interesting. Mark's a great dude too :D

Problem is, the workshop timings are impossible for those who are working to attend...
ok, how abt this.....we'll run one at 7pm for those working people? Mark you mind?

And thanks lennat for uploading the flyer for me....

Hey there, i would love to go for this clinic....i'd most probably take a half day...on one of those days.
No would be great if those who want to come at 7pm come collectively on the same day (max 5 pax per class)'ll make it easier for us to make arrangements. Also, to be fair, places are only considered booked when payment is made. The last time, I reserved some slots for the bass workshop and a few did not show up. That caused some who are really interested to lose spots which is so unfair.

Places can be booked at B1-11 Paradiz centre (The Music Lab) 6338 3991

heh ... bro finally!!!! :D

im definitely cumming fer this one..... see how la, i think i take half day leave also... :lol:

bro for those of you who have not met mark before, he's a cool dude (wif a cool hairdo at times) who's super sharing and even volunteer to photocopy his school notes for us to woodshed .... even before we ask for it !!! 8O

now that he graduating wif a jazz degree, its time for him to bring it on..... so we shld bring ourselves too?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

ps. alvin let me confirm soonest .... I must and i will drop by your school to settle payment (and to say hi)
No worries....i appreciate how supportive you guys are! Keep in touch! plains and mel.....its been a while since we met...will love to hang out over a cup of coffee sometime!
Hi All,

Regret to inform you that we'll have to stick to original dates. However, I will open up a 7pm slot for those who are working. Sorry Mel!!

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