working part time for an instrument?

haha...ya...just treat every thing as a lesson that u must go thru...and eventually u will feel better...
MichaelAngelo said:
hey guys, i took my o levels last year, after trying out several low paying jobs, i finally went to work for Int*r C*ntinental Hotel(name slightly censored). Umm...I tell you, its no fun working at all, all the hopes of money are dashed, you will just wanna quit and leave the damned place forever...why?


Wha lau eh you serious ah???? I was contemplating on working there during my holidays in September. Jeremyrozario's classmate is working there and I wanted to ask jeremy whether can get lobang or not cause I only have experience in the F&B industry.

Okay so let me now relate my experience while working at part time banquet.....

I can safely say that working in Marina Mandarin ain't that bad as compared to hotel intercontinental. In actual fact my first 3 days on the job was great (I worked for 4 days before getting sacked). Luckily my captain was an understanding person. I was very fond of him as compared to the other captains in my workplace.

I tell you my 4th day of work was hell man!!!! I would never forget the stupid down syndrome faced manager who screwed me up real bad. First of all HE F**KING ASSIGNED ME TO ANOTHER TABLE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUNCTION WHICH IN ACTUAL FACT WAS NOT SUPPOSE TO BECAUSE I WAS AN INEXPERIENCED STAFF. My dad who has 10 years of experience in the F&B industry told me that inexperienced staff DIE DIE must not assign them to another table IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUNCTION because confusion might set in and true enough it really happen. I partially blame myself for negligence but come to think of it , if that SOB down syndrome faced banquet manager did not assign me to another table in the middle of a function , none of this would have happened.

Before I was assigned to another table , a new captain was in charge of me for that day and sway sway it was the captain that I dread most. Cause for the previous function he scolded me for not serving the noodles properly and also liked to pick on me. On that day , surprisingly he was nice towards and even told me NICELY what he expects of me. During the function , I swee swee do everything up to his expectations and his impression of me changed as well. Basket then later the manager assigned me to another table then all hell broke loose. I forgot to serve the chicken and when the chicken was finally served , the guest complained that the chicken tasted like leftovers. My assistant manager (not that SOB down symdrome faced manager) asked me what happened and I answered accordingly. He began to jot down points for his report. It was in his line of duty to write a report of what happened to the F&B manager and he did the right thing so I had nothing against him. Then came the prawns. Basket I forgot to serve the prawn sauce because I was assigned to another side station and so happen that side station got no extra prawn sauce. My other captain whom I was very fond of tried to cover me up a bit but then the manager came to know about it and recalled me back to the kitchen.

He asked me what happened. I told him about the chicken incident. Surprisingly , he wasen't really interested in the chicken incident but rather in the prawn sauce. When I told him about the prawn sauce , his tone reached form soft to screamo in a matter of seconds. I gotta blame myself because I told my captain that the prawn sauce was on the side station which amounted to an ASSUMPTION and I was guilty of it. He started to go crazy man!!!!

As a result , I was not paid for 2 hours and I was "sacked" as a result. Since it was casual labour , there was no contract involved. So it's a double edge sword here. He can sack me and cut my pay cause I'm in no contract , but he also cannot sack me or cut my pay because there was no contract which states that he has the right to cut my pay should I screw up or something. Well it was then that I got to know my colleagues better because most of them were consoleing me. My manager made me do the dirty work by clearing the leftovers which was to be disposed of in the dusbin.

From that day onwards , I hope that that SOB down symdrome faced manager would just burn in hell one day!!!!

Ironically , a week before I started work , my dad being a photographer for his friend's son/daughter wedding function at my workplace was taking photos as usual. He asked that SOB down symdrome faced manager NICELY whether he could get a incline stand for the bridal photo displayed outside the ballroom because he could not get a decent shot from a particular angle if the photo was to be placed faced up. That idiot gave attitude to my dad and told him , "Who are you to tell me what to do?!". Then obviously my dad told him off straight in the face saying ," If I did not tell you what to do , how would you know what I want?!" Then after that he malu malu liao.

During the function when it was time for the couple to go around tables for a group photo , that idiot was trying to suck up to my dad. He was like , "Okay everyone move closer (as instructed by my dad) move closer , make the photographer happy!!!!"

I rather get paid less and get better treatment than getting paid more and being treated like crap!!!!

So that's my story so far....
drummar-buah said:
can anyone reccoment a decent job with a nice boss? i'm a lil scared now..

~drummar buah~

From what jeremyrozario told me , apparently the managers at hotel intercontinental were very "nice"

Thanks Michaelangelo for the input at least now I can look elsewhere for work :lol:
i just hope i can hold my very own clinics and tour the world.. hehe the only 15 year old drummer in the world to hold his own clinics...won't that be cool haha.. i get paid for doing something i love man.
dream on.............. sigh............ so....... anymore sad stories to share? anymore jobs to offer?

~drummar buah~
well guess wat my working experience also kinddsunfair...

i was working at my aunt's shop well... for 5 bucks a day and my parents did not give me any pocket money and that 5 bucks was my pocket money
5 BUCKS A DAY!!!even fast food outlets pay better then i had 2 work in a hawker centre and my other cousins helping out , they are all bhuddists ao i dun think they really like me a rroman catholic then they can slack while i deliver food n throw rubbish and u know wats worse i am so tired at eend of the day then at home still have 2 tahan my mom screaming at me!!! ah i was kinda wondering y my holidayz so f***ked up 1 so i turned 2 music yeah i started listening 2 heavy metal n all then when my aunt wanted me 2 work i said "no" haha but then i had 2 take care of my f***in sis who is now already in p5, im sure many of u ur mom trust ur sis 2 go down 2 e hawker centre 2 buy lunch rite... my mum said that i had 2 go down n buy!!!!!!!!!! i was feeling like damn bored

then dayz when i went out 4 movie n going 2 e guitar shops..i had 2 be back in my aunt's factory 2 FETCH HER 2 GO HOME!! n wat does she do?? watch tv n play com her piano n studies suck she cant do shit hsewk coz she say damn dirty n she is juz idiotic lar...

then when my sis o level results came out my sis went 2 celebrate n lost her handphone....guess wat my mum did!! IN ORDER 2 SAVE MONEY SHE SACRIFICED MY HAPPINESS N UPGRADED MY PHONE PLAN 2 HIVE MY SIS E PHONE a i onli found out when i called e phone company 2 check whether my handphone can upgrade n when i asked my mum... she always shuns n walks away like FUCK LAR I DESERVE 3 BLOODY PHONE!!! N UP TILL 2DAY I M STILLL USIN THAT SHIT N 8250!! WHICH IS GOING 2 SPOIL SOON!!!
haha doubleblade, im glad for anyone who gets forwarned and chooses not to go there. You know, another thing that i hate about there is that sometimes, one manager(manager A) im working under will tell me, "Ok, you go and find so and so manager at this place, report to him.", so I say, "ok", and go to find that other manager(manager B)...however once manager B whom I am supposed to report to sees me, he will say, "What the f*ck you come here for ah?!" and i will say politely, "manager A asked me to report to you." then he will stare at me with big eyes and say, "Tell that guy(manager A) to f*ck spider. Now, go!" and what the heck! Im now stuck! If i go back and find the manager A, i will be scolded and tortured! But since I havent got a choice, i go back to manager A, and he will say, "OEI! BOY! I ASK YOU GO FIND MANAGER B, WHAT THE F*CK YOU DOING HERE?!!?!??!" then i will say, "Manager B told me to go back"(and of course, i didnt tell him about the f*ck spider part), then he would angrily bring me to manager B, where the two managers would exchange some vulgarities before one of them accepts me...such a scenario has happened more than once! Another time was when i was ordered by manager A to take a stalk of certain leaf from the kitchen(whatever the heck for, I dunno) to manager B, and this time, manager B said, "WHAT THE F*CK YOU GIVE ME THIS LEAF FOR?!", then the story continues the same way again...

One thing about this hotel is that the hotel wants to take good care of its staff, in fact, one of its "rules" is something about "Managers should listen patiently and caringly to the staff...blah blah blah...", well, those unruly managers do that, but ONLY IN THE PRESCENCE OF THE ANG MOH GENERAL MANAGER(GM)!!! ARGH!!! Which means the Ang Moh GM has an excellent impression of those managers as nice caring animals(note: i see them managers lower than animals because of their attitude), so if i were to make a complaint to the GM about being verbally abused and overworked in the workplace, he would hardly believe my claim i suppose! Oh well...I just love it when those managers go to the smoking room and smoke their socks off, cos Firstly, it means they will be gone for awhile as they smoke, and Secondly, smoking is bad for health, so they are another step closer to LUNG CANCER!!! EMPHYCEMA!!! HEART ATTACK!!! LESS AVAILABLE BLOOD HAEMOGLOBIN!!! BROWN TEETH!!! BAD BREATH!!! WHOOPEEE!!! :D
i guess it all depends on luck wherever you go, theres bound to be a couple of nice managers, and the remaining, asses...
i dun wish to work in the fastfood restaurant, better off working wif some companies, how abt store works? updating stocks dat have just arrive?
ItAcHi said:
ya..i hate salty fries too...specially my sch one(only 1 sch in singapore got MAC inside it...ya...tts NYP)...i think their salt dun need money one sia...

lol lots of schs have macs in them....all the polys have mac in them ( not sure bout rp)

but i love salty fries :twisted: