hey guys, i took my o levels last year, after trying out several low paying jobs, i finally went to work for Int*r C*ntinental Hotel(name slightly censored). Umm...I tell you, its no fun working at all, all the hopes of money are dashed, you will just wanna quit and leave the damned place forever...why?
I was treated as a lowly nobody, as in really, the managers would force me to carry things way to heavy for me, while the old birds there got to eat the leftovers from buffets and watch and shout for me to "work faster you f*cking slow boy!!" Then really, they don't have any sense of mercy or anything. I read that one has the legal upperhand if employers/colleagues use vulgarities against one. And they don't care, on the 3rd day of work, i was asked to come to start work at 7:30am. I woke up optimistic, thinking what a nice morning it was, how i could be serving guests nicely, and all...But the moment I stepped into the manager's office to report for work..."WHY THE F*CK YOU GOT NO NAME TAG?!?!?!" I was shaken u know...
There, there are no instructions or appropriate training provided before or as u do the job. You learn everything by people scolding you for doing something wrong. I was yelled at like mad(vulgarities and insults included) for not knowing where the window spray was, when i was never told where it was kept in the first place! The manager was like, "Oei boy! Don't act blur ah! I know you wear specs, is it need to change? You act blur one more time, I will make sure you get it. F*ck off now!" haiz...Recalling all these things really enrages me.
Another time, a manager was eating leftovers from a buffet and chatting with some female colleages(the girls were part timers just like me), he was teasing them and flirting with them as they all enjoyed the food and laughed...Then when they left, and i was hungry, i went to pick a piece of meat(this is generally acceptable practice that everyone can take the leftovers), when the very same manager saw me, he yelled, "WORK SO SLOW THEN EAT EAT EAT!!!" I was really angry inside, cos i was carrying those heavy tables one by one, and for every table carried, I had to walk pass them as they ate and joked with each other...Futhermore, i really didnt have the strength to carry, I was going beyond my capacity, and another stupid old bird colleague was doing TABLE SKIRTING while he was in fact ordered to carry tables with me. He forced me to do it by saying in mandrin, "Are your arms tired?!" and i replied, "Yes, the tables are heavy", and he yelled back, "Faster carry lah! Hand tired so what?"...Thank God that when i really couldnt carry even one more table, a manager appeared and yelled at me, "OEI! BOY! WHY NEVER ASK THAT GUY HELP YOU CARRY?! TWO PEOPLE CARRY EASIER!! YOU STUPID AH!?" and that was actually music to my ears, cos that guy who bullied me had to help me with the tables, and as seen from wat the manager said, the tables were so heavy that they were supposed to be carried by 2 people!
There are many many many more instances of such torture at work...and I no longer look forward to finding any job at all...despite needing the money. Just a warning to you guys who, just like me, had that nice impression of work where you could earn money for your stuff. To me, not worth it...BTW, my position was "banquet waiter", but the job included many heavy duty tasks! I initially wanted to complain to the straits times forum or sth like that, but was afraid of the trouble that might potentially follow. You see, those managers would become extremely friendly and nice and gentle when the caucasion general manager was around!