working part time for an instrument?

it's good to be a bear man! so many girls will hug u! They will shout " Ehh!, So CUTE! "

They will give sum kisses to u too? U might not know?
kap is king albert park near my school, often go there to study and stuff, but the fries real salty!
vivalapunkrawk said:
it's good to be a bear man! so many girls will hug u! They will shout " Ehh!, So CUTE! "

They will give sum kisses to u too? U might not know?

not serious to that extent lah....but girls tend to talk more to me though....
ya..i hate salty fries too...specially my sch one(only 1 sch in singapore got MAC inside it...ya...tts NYP)...i think their salt dun need money one sia...
I think u r friendly tat's why they get attracted to u! It is like a Bee and A Flower! U are the flower and the girls must be the Bee? I thought it should go the other way round? :?
when u mention honey, reminds me of my holiday last yr during December. wen i'm off to Cameron Highlands. There was somehow a bee garden or sumting like tat! Wat so strange abt it is that, the bee did not sting u even u r near them or u do sumting to them. I even took the honey frm the hives and they were like doing their own stuff! haha! :D
anep said:
anyone worked at giant before?
whats it like ar? friend told me working at giant is as bas as working for NTUC fairprice...i think its becos he is working in night shift ba...
I use to work as part time banquet and got sacked after working 4 times all because I forgot to serve the prawn sauce to the guest...

Now how bas can that get?! :evil: