Words And Things That You Have Not Heard In A Long Time


New member
hey guys rem our primary school days or maybe sec school days ? well there were words or things you had used so often , let it be games or anything but eventually grew out of it. i'm starting the list.. you carry on. i bet we wanna think back and smile. :) alright guys just let it flow .. PEACE!

1)Super Avante Hyper Dash - Tamiya cars
3)could i sound you stead?
1. when playing marbles, "BEEDEES out!" " No sound no count" and "kissing".

2.Also, I miss Subbuteo and the ridiculously oily toys in the packets of chickadees.

Wow, that most have been more than 20 years back.
"auntie pork chop!"
"no more liao boy!"
"auntie nehmind, you sit on the plate then add a fork can liao!"

:lol: :lol: