with or without support when playing


New member
hey guys, i noe this is a trival question, but it has been buggin me for quite long... so when u guys play right, do u all like rest ur hand on the 6th or 5th string, or do u guys use ur little finger to support ur playing hand, or do u guys play with no support at all? is playing without support the so called "best"?
oh, you should not bother about these kinda stuff... just put your hands on the strings, usually i put my whole palm on the 3 bass strings of the guitar to prevent any unnecerssary sounds... as you wanna play on the bass strings, just move upyour palm to lessay the low E or something... you get a 'clean' sound and look better, would it not be weired to play without putting your hand on the strings?
tany said:
i rest my lil finger on the pickguard, then my palm rests on the bass strings

+1. that's what i do too.

but recently i've found that i lift my pinkie off the pickguard and curl my right hand into a fist (it kinda looks like a fist) when i start playing faster stuff. i think it gives my index finger on my picking hand a better grip on the pick. so that's when i play with no support at all.
i noticed clapton has the habit of resting his pinky on pickguard and eddie van halen doesn't do that at all... so i guess the moral of the story is, whichever that works for u
When I solo, I use my pinky to anchor my hand. But when I do sweeps, I drop my palm down to mute the strings so they don't ring out. Sometimes, I don't anchor my hand at all!

When its rhythm, I rest my palm on my floyd rose bridge. Never use my pinky to anchor at all, even for precise strumming.
Therez a wise-old guitar saying the using ur arm to rest on the "curved" section of the guitar body is enuff. Tht, n mayb rest ur palm too..Bt resting yer pinky or any other fingers on the pickguard cuts down on speed..This is an adaptation frm a guitar mag..forgot who wrote it. Bt one of the top 10 Rolling Stones' guitar supremos.
um dude....Petrucci rests his pinkie, and Michael Angelo rests three fingers, and I guess they're pretty alright when it comes to speed :wink:

Whatever works for you is the maxim here.
There's no best way like many have already pointed out. Just find that position, preferably one that'll be flexible enough to allow you to mute the strings you aren't playing on while soloing to prevent additional noise etc.

Myself, i have my hand just relaxed, most of the time with my ring and pinky supporting. On the lower strings, they'll just come in contact with the high strings to prevent them from ringing. Sometimes i might lose that support altogether and play different, but it all depends on song, and what i'll be playing.
I'm more to Michael Angelo's side. He uses 2 fingers to rest. His middle finger is standby for fast tapping within a shredding or sweeping lick. Thtz how i saw it n found it pretty useful..bt yeah in a fist position therez a lil boost in speed. Try it out..