wife & mother

let me share with you something you may somehow have missed while growing older.

as parents get older, they become more difficult.

as kids get older, they become more patient.

and that is how families reconcile themselves.

now, a man can never be a man if he can't handle his problems and his family. realise that in a family not everybody can be happy all the time. this is where compromise comes in. someone has to orchestrate it. this is where you come in.
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It's not easy being trapped in between. You are both a son and a husband, and in an Asian context, it is more complex. And if you are the only child, it gets worse.

For your mom: the dad is key to it. If your dad is still around, and they have not built common interest during the years you are growing up, it's going to be more difficult (a quick word to those who are married - focus on building common interest early; children often is the main focus. When they grow up, you'll find you have no more common interests...). If you mom has no other close friends whom she constantly meet with, it's going to be VERY difficult for her. If she does, that's where she should (and eventually will) focus her attention on. What you can do - what you've been doing. Reassure her, spend time with her whenever possible. Staying opposite (too close) can be actually more difficult as she will expect you to pop in everyday.

Your wife: she just need your reassurance that you are on her side. You need to do that constantly and consistently (when she's not around, and when she's around your parents). Leave the difficulty to conceive issue for another time. Don't even try to attempt to go for alternative conception methods at this stage, until things settle down more. You may think a baby will solve the problem - well, it won't. It may get worse. Your mom will want the baby to be with her ALL the time - because the baby will take over you in her life. Imagine what that will do to your wife.

I'm helping a couple now with almost the exact scenario as you. But they are worse in that both his parents are verbally abusive and the wife is also quite a strong lady. I've had to counsel the parents a few times, and you'l be suprised at the struggle they go through at that age. They know what is right, but they just can't help it.

So...the most imporant thing is to help your mom build social circles around her. If it does not exist now, it's going to be more difficult. If she already has a social circle (friends or relatives), it's easier. Support you wife at the same time. Being trapped in between is very difficult. So you need an avenue to vent your frustrations to people who can help you and listen to you. Forum is definitely not the best place to get help. You need real people - face to face. Hope things get better for you...
This is the case where the man (i.e. you, the threadsetter) have to take charge and be firm to both women. Stand up and be a fair referee in all conflicts. I have seen sons who tried to sit on the fence. They become an unfillial son AND a weak husband as well.

Seen a case like that which ended up in divorce.

One thing you need to take note (heard from a counsellor I know). DO NOT let your mum have the keys to your new place.