Why you love or hate your bass?

3notesAbar said:
L-5500. Only ever tried 2 in my life, and fortunately they are rosewood and maple! But strangely, to me, both are roughly the same, and very powerful! I like the sound, but only thing is the weight (bad back, too much carrying). Hi WooKie :)

Hmm... how many L-5500s are there on this tiny island? I believe I've fiddled with a Marleaux like the one you have too... :wink:

How are you bro? It's been a long while. Buzz me when you're free yah?
Although i have 3 basses (02 yamaha and 01 ibanez) I love my ibanez the most.Why? Coz its the very first brand new bass that i've bought.Its a black Ibanez roadstar 2 c/w active J & P pu's. Another thing: it was chosen by my late gf (She pass away @ 1 yr after I bought this bass). Its named after her.So thats why it has very sentimental value to me. Btw, its been with me since 1984 (22 yrs).
iman said:
Although i have 3 basses (02 yamaha and 01 ibanez) I love my ibanez the most.Why? Coz its the very first brand new bass that i've bought.Its a black Ibanez roadstar 2 c/w active J & P pu's. Another thing: it was chosen by my late gf (She pass away @ 1 yr after I bought this bass). Its named after her.So thats why it has very sentimental value to me. Btw, its been with me since 1984 (22 yrs).

That's cool imam, basses like this are worth all the works thrown together. I still have the acoustic guitar my dad left for me. That thing is 30 years old this year!
Ken said:
iman said:
Although i have 3 basses (02 yamaha and 01 ibanez) I love my ibanez the most.Why? Coz its the very first brand new bass that i've bought.Its a black Ibanez roadstar 2 c/w active J & P pu's. Another thing: it was chosen by my late gf (She pass away @ 1 yr after I bought this bass). Its named after her.So thats why it has very sentimental value to me. Btw, its been with me since 1984 (22 yrs).

That's cool imam, basses like this are worth all the works thrown together. I still have the acoustic guitar my dad left for me. That thing is 30 years old this year!

pity it's still servicing at luthers
they say can collect this weekend. YAY
miss IT!
eh anybody got like bad info bout luther?
like they take months to return instrus and stuff?
i love my bass.

only tt shez heavy.a whopping 5kg bass man..


the thing i HATE the most..


hard to play comfortably.
Heaviest i ever carried is a vintage ibanez P bass, one of their lawsuit models, heavy as heck man. Solid as hell too, probably could use it as a club. :P
light...?hmm...mine is i think(flirted with heavier ones before)...neva put a strain to my effort carryin her...shes a fender aerodyne jazz bass...love all the orgasms i've had with her :wink: ...and shes japanese...kinky eh?
mine's juz a cheapo one..

its a hamer SFB...

hahaha..the humbuckers turned me on..

but im considering selling..den buying a esp ltd b154...

but...who's gonna buy my bass??heck.
Damn, so there's someone that beat me to the epiphone goth thunderbird IV.

Current bass a Samick Cobra. Love its:

1. deep tone
2. one-piece body for heavier sound
3. Electrico's signature on it (especially Amanda Ling wrote "Feel E Bass")
4. It is the first bass I got
CrispyEgg said:
dead spot :?:

a dead spot is caused usually by the truss rod ... my truss rod is a vintage truss rod that is used on most fender necks ever since they started building bass guitars .. if i'm not wrong ..

what happens is that the truss rod pushes upwards or downwards in the middle of the neck to get your neck curvature ... but the both ends of the neck, the wood gets compressed ..

i'm not sure what happens next but that's roughly how a vintage truss rod work

a DEAD SPOT is a spot or note on your neck that has a significant and obvious drop in volume or sustain ... kinda irritating when you are playing stuff and when you play that note it drops ...

for mine ... my note decay (sustain) is very fast ... like within 2 seconds you'll start hearing the overtones and harmonics of the note already ... man ... GG ...
ooo... i tend to have a raised spot around my 15th fret, so i have to raise the strings a leeeetle bit to compensate for that spot so i can play the notes around there. otherwise they're... not dead, u just hear some overtones of the note from the fret after the one u're fretting.