Why you love or hate your bass?


New member

I have been using my Squier Jazz bass for quite a long time and til now I still like the sound.

Got sentimental value so I wun sell. I like the feel but the action can go lower. If got onboard pre-amp also quite cool. The new fender with onboard pre-amp does not look nice loh.

What abt you guys? What gear ar e you using? Love or hate your bass and why?


i'm using a J&D JD-S4B.

i like it cos of the double soapbar pickups and it's meaty sound. but my action could be lowered abit and it has no laquer finish.
My favourite bass is my early nineties Fender Jazz Bass aka Frankenstein.

It's finished in Fire Engine Red, with a black, three-ply pickguard. I suspect the body is made of Hard Alder.

The original neck went the way of the dodo and has since been swapped out for an '83 Squier Jazz Bass neck with a rosewood fretboard.

Pickups are EMGs in a J/P/J setup (yes, I got it routed to pit the P in there). There is not preamp and the controls are wired as such: neck vol, middle vol, bridge vol, master tone.

The output jack has been relocated to the bottom of the bass.

Stock bridge has also been swapped out for a nickel-plated Leo Quan Badass II and the bass is securely held in place by Schaller Straplocks.

The bass is pretty versatile and cuts through the mix well. My only gripe with it is the fact that the EMGs lack transparency. If I had enough moolah, I would upgrade to Barts or go passive, but that's another story altogether.

At present, it still does it's job and does it well. Frankenstein never ceases to get requests to make appearances at gigs. I think it's reputation precedes me even.
My one and only bass, LTD Viper 254.

Love it cause it's the first bass that I bought using my money and the one that I've always wanted to own ever since I started playing bass. 1 more thing that I like about her is that it's tuned 2 steps down and I play any kind of songs with the tuning, help me to train to transpose songs on my own. Ahaha...
Why why why...

Ok i'm talking about my current puppy, a Fender Gender Bender Jazz (japan).

I like:

1) that it makes me feel like a man when i play it...
2) that its got awesome tone though i suspect that its partly basswood, against what i was advised by the retailing importer :)
3) that it looks so great. Hallmark 62 jazz look (sunburst, tort, rosewood)
4) that the neck is to DIE for.
5) that it is almost everything i dreamed for in a jazz bass - versatile, classic to modern tones, easy to play, makes me horny...

I don't like:

1) That it makes me feel girly when i look at it...
2) that the pickups are like the 'Careless Whisper' SG idol guy. Damn soft!
3) that its a typical single coil with extra hum no laksa. Ultrajazz soon!
4) that its SLIGHTLY neck heavy for me. Then again its not an F bass.
5) that its vintage styled tuners are those that respond to upward tuning last minute. But its ok!!!

Epiphone Thunderbird Goth...

Cos its matt black
Cos it purrs like a cat and scream like a banshee
Cos its built like a tank
Cos it looks like a rock star
Cos I got it for half price
mi bros sx jazz bass

the neck is twisted
the frets are not hammered in properly
the stock pickups are crap
the cost of getting everything to sound right will cost more than the cost of the bass

due to the above experiences, i'll never buy any sx product ever again
I like my basses because each of their neck profiles and sound helps me with different styles of playing and situations.

The Gibson Thunderbird has a great thin neck with a round profile that helps me play fast and yet get a good grip while its midish growl helps me cut across the mids. The weight of the Bird also gives me a lot of leverage to go mad on stage which is what I like.

Basses such as my rickie and Kubicki gives me very low lows and a high that just cuts in a metal mix. Again the design and weight helps me manovere it very easily.

My other basses are simply for me to fantasize that I am some pop player. =)
hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

i love my Yamaha Atittude bcoz.....
1-i got it for free!
2-great fat tone for me to play with my ska/reggae songs
3-nice profile for me to ease thru the frets.
4-easy to switch from fat to bright tone in case i need to slap.
wat i dun like......
1-ermmm.....nothing actually..I LOVE THAT BITCH!
i love my Ibanez GSR 200 bcoz...
1-nice slim neck..(coz i have short fingers)
2-it`s pretty light..so it`s easy to move ard with..
3-nice bright tone!
4-i got it pretty cheap from RAFE`s bassist MR Juan himself!!(THANX DUDE)
wat i dun like...
1-quite hard to get the EQ rite wen i`m using it with my GT-6B
:lol: :lol: :lol:

i love my ibanez GAXB because:

*it's a short-scale unit, i play guitar primarily so it doesn't differ too much in feel

*sounds good/ well constructed despite being an entry-level unit

*very inspiring feel
You guys got great gear and I like the way some of you describe. Wow.

Was looking at Fodera basses and was drawn by the preamp setup.

Although I do like my bass but if I can get another one with great tone and extra B string will be cool too, Haha.


Ya, fodera's are sweet man, tried one that time, the sound like blew me away.

Ben, you should try out the jazz V's if you're into the fender types, the FMT's in particular look rather sumptous. :lol:
wraith said:
Ya, fodera's are sweet man, tried one that time, the sound like blew me away.

Ben, you should try out the jazz V's if you're into the fender types, the FMT's in particular look rather sumptous. :lol:

Oh where can I try? Swee lee or the shop at parklane?

Hee pai sei to try leh. There are so many good basses in the world but thk im not expose to them. Only knwo a few. Fodera becos of V.Wooten mah.



I think swee lee might have a couple, btw, nice website you got going there. So you run entirely on your squire jazz?
Re: hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

FATCAT said:
i love my Yamaha Atittude bcoz.....
1-i got it for free!
2-great fat tone for me to play with my ska/reggae songs
3-nice profile for me to ease thru the frets.
4-easy to switch from fat to bright tone in case i need to slap.
wat i dun like......
1-ermmm.....nothing actually..I LOVE THAT BITCH!

Wah bro...Thanks ah. Make me cry only :lol:

But jokes aside. Its really a damn good bass. When finances permit i might even find one back, but AFTER the OLP Levin of course :D
I only tried and bought a MM3, but let it go already. Its not that bad, but its passive thats all. I am just assuming that the Levin is an active version of the MM3, Peach color and all..