I may totally disagree and despise your religious beliefs, but heck, you've got a damn bloody good point. You must realize that most singaporeans in general are popheads, resident pophead daryl can attest to that, but what the hell are you doing here!!! Tell me you're here not because you want to but because you have to, seeing that you refer to the USA as 'back home'. Once I have the chance I'm moving off to Tel Aviv or Zurich.
finding decent paying work in USA is difficult at the moment, our society has taken a real nosedive. I won't pollute the board with my political ramblings but GEORGE W BUSH is the worst thing that's ever happened to us and I can't even describe the night and day difference may home country has made since he was elected 8 years ago.
I was attracted to Singapore because it seemed like you had a decent economy here from what I read, your country doesn't tolerate druggies and your tourism industry seems like it's going to be booming so I currently go to school here and AM HOPING it leads to some employer wanting to keep me around. I like the fact that I DO NOT NEED a car to get around like I do back home.
Singapore's public transportation system is the best I've ever seen. AMAZING really.
I just miss seeing concerts, since I've left, well it's countless really, my friends tell me how they've seen ACE FREHLEY(Ex KISS) IRON MAIDEN, TRIUMPH, ARMORED SAINT, MOTLEY CRUE/BUCKCHERRY/PAPA ROACH (which stops in my home city 2day) WINGER, DISTURBED/SLIPKNOT, TESLA, QUEENSRYCHE/DOKKEN, I could go on. In that sense I am homesick.
I shouldn't complain I've seen so many shows that I really shouldn't even complain. It's just that back home we're led to believe Asians just love metal and rock in general and all these bands rave about the big crazy crowds they get in Korea, Japan, Indonesia, India SO I wrongly ASSUMED Singapore would be a haven for hard rock tours as well. I guess the scene varies by country.
Here's one thing I am really quite mad about- I LOVE TESTAMENT, the thrash metal band who are playing a number of shows in the region, Indonesia and Korea and I believe some other country around here, yet they are NOT coming here. That sucks for me. In fact that is what really prompted seeking out a message board and trying to connect with some locals who could EDUCATE me.