Why is their such a lack of hard rock/metal concerts here?

also, there's the Singapore Censorship Laws to deal with, especially for those Metal bands, whose actions are usually quite questionable lah.

tat's imo

and u are very experienced in watching metal bands i presume? frog in the well assuming the world.:rolleyes:

Big A++ to this. you will nv see a concert by jay chou or sun yanzi losing money in singapore. the demand is there, enough to fill the indoor stadium.

Thanks. I was just trying to make it clear what kind of "metal' I was talking about since the word covers so much now a days. I wasn't trying to put down other people who like that sort of thing. I have a friend who plays in Angel Corpse. Awful music to me but he's a great drummer and he gets to travel the world.

As for the other opinions, thank you. I am just a spoiled relocated american who has to get used to the fact that I won't be seeing any more concerts I guess.
Gnr wanted to tour singapore in 2005 but they cancelled the concert?I read it somehwere actually.Anybody knows what happen?

Didn't say that i'm very experienced in watching metal bands but i do know that singapore's censorship laws are quite strict so it may be harder to get extreme metal bands to play here in singapore.

and you saying i'm a frog in the well, let's juz say i'm still a tadpole that's exploring the cave beneath the well.
Once I have the chance I'm moving off to Tel Aviv or Zurich.

Tel Aviv??? You mean in Israel?? It's kinda cool and also kind of weird haha and kinda random that someone would want to move to Tel Aviv, they got a good metal scene down there or is it cos you're jewish that you wanna move there?
I may totally disagree and despise your religious beliefs, but heck, you've got a damn bloody good point. You must realize that most singaporeans in general are popheads, resident pophead daryl can attest to that, but what the hell are you doing here!!! Tell me you're here not because you want to but because you have to, seeing that you refer to the USA as 'back home'. Once I have the chance I'm moving off to Tel Aviv or Zurich.

finding decent paying work in USA is difficult at the moment, our society has taken a real nosedive. I won't pollute the board with my political ramblings but GEORGE W BUSH is the worst thing that's ever happened to us and I can't even describe the night and day difference may home country has made since he was elected 8 years ago.

I was attracted to Singapore because it seemed like you had a decent economy here from what I read, your country doesn't tolerate druggies and your tourism industry seems like it's going to be booming so I currently go to school here and AM HOPING it leads to some employer wanting to keep me around. I like the fact that I DO NOT NEED a car to get around like I do back home.

Singapore's public transportation system is the best I've ever seen. AMAZING really.

I just miss seeing concerts, since I've left, well it's countless really, my friends tell me how they've seen ACE FREHLEY(Ex KISS) IRON MAIDEN, TRIUMPH, ARMORED SAINT, MOTLEY CRUE/BUCKCHERRY/PAPA ROACH (which stops in my home city 2day) WINGER, DISTURBED/SLIPKNOT, TESLA, QUEENSRYCHE/DOKKEN, I could go on. In that sense I am homesick.

I shouldn't complain I've seen so many shows that I really shouldn't even complain. It's just that back home we're led to believe Asians just love metal and rock in general and all these bands rave about the big crazy crowds they get in Korea, Japan, Indonesia, India SO I wrongly ASSUMED Singapore would be a haven for hard rock tours as well. I guess the scene varies by country.

Here's one thing I am really quite mad about- I LOVE TESTAMENT, the thrash metal band who are playing a number of shows in the region, Indonesia and Korea and I believe some other country around here, yet they are NOT coming here. That sucks for me. In fact that is what really prompted seeking out a message board and trying to connect with some locals who could EDUCATE me.
Also must not forget Dragonforce last year and Helloween early this year! Psychosphere is right, things have actually progressed since the 80's and 90's. I think Black Sabbath came once in the 90's or late 80's, then there was Metallica which the authorities completely over reacted and had CID, K9 units, normal police and riot police waiting for us as we went into the indoor stadium. Bloody morons.

Trust me, compared to then, we are getting it good now...it's just that it's still a money business and most people here want to hear whatever nonsense that is being marketed the most.

I think Totally was stating his opinion on black and death stuff, but I don't think he was out of line or insulting...to me the insulting thing is the nonsense 'sun yanzi' kind of junk they play on the radio and force down our throats with the media. If you want to listen to it I won't begrudge you the choice, just don't expect me to understand.

so you had METALLICA? When was that?
and elaborate on the riot police thing please.
what happened?

I was at a show once when there was a riot, it was GUNS N ROSES/SKID ROW in July of 1991, if you look on youtube you can find some footage from it.

actually here -


Qoute on Astaroth
"and u are very experienced in watching metal bands i presume? frog in the well assuming the world."

I presume you are?
even so you have no rights to say such to others.
I shouldn't complain I've seen so many shows that I really shouldn't even complain. It's just that back home we're led to believe Asians just love metal and rock in general and all these bands rave about the big crazy crowds they get in Korea, Japan, Indonesia, India SO I wrongly ASSUMED Singapore would be a haven for hard rock tours as well. I guess the scene varies by country.

That's true, S'poreans are not into rock n roll nowadays. I tend to attribute to our rigid way of living and thinking. We are just not 'rebellious' enough to love something like rock n roll and metal.
Qoute on Astaroth
"and u are very experienced in watching metal bands i presume? frog in the well assuming the world."

I presume you are?
even so you have no rights to say such to others.

precisely im not. hence i dun make statements that calls others' actions "questionable"
actually my statement on actions that are questionable are refering to black metal bands as in extreme ones like mayhem dimmu borgir etc lah, I mean, do you ever think they'll be allow to play in singapore even if they want to?

so yeah, maybe i didn't make it explicit enough and made you'all think that they bands i'm refering to are lyk Dream Theater and Opeth Metallica etc.

but yeah, i have not watch a single concert( at least for rock) before, but i had see many videos online, and i'm qutie certain that if those extreme metal bands were to play in singapore, there would be a huge response from the religious leaders.

that's imo again lah. i mean the 2nd part bout the response from religious leaders, not me commenting on my statement lah.
slayer were here after all. remember its all "commercial nihilism". where there's money to be made, they can always be censored. pardon me if i raised any hackles.
actually my statement on actions that are questionable are refering to black metal bands as in extreme ones like mayhem dimmu borgir etc lah, I mean, do you ever think they'll be allow to play in singapore even if they want to?

Eh, guys, Dark Funeral and Mayhem had played in Singapore before. Although they are really constricted and everything by the authorities, they still played in Singapore. And neither did I remember any public outcry when they came over.

Cos I guess the thing was no one knew what they were and what they wrote about. Imagine Dark Funeral with their song "Satanic Blood".
Anybody in the army the surf the intranet Eforum?

Posting about rock and metal there is much the same as talking to walls in reality. You don't get replies back...
The most response in that music forum is "SHE Fan, come in here"...

Anyway, music in general, rock is getting more popular singapore... haha! Emo... WTH....
so you had METALLICA? When was that?

metallica was here in 93, heh, i think more than half of the people in this thread prolly toO young to be there at that time. It was the tour supporting the black album.

If you look into the booklet for their live shit binge and burge boxset, theres a page in it which shows part of the contract for the do and dont thingy for that show in singapore.

oh, and s.h.e rockass! Selina, hebe, ella! So cute and sweet, especially hebe

you gotta get used to the fact that we dont get many hard rock acts around here, mainly due to the demand factor as mentioned by everyone..

in fact, we dont get many good shows around here (scenefest doesnt count) but i guess things are looking better. with mosaic bringing in excellent acts every year and lamc, greenhorn productions, i guess we can look forward to more good shows. me, i am still waiting for BRAND NEW to come. and since when was i resident pophead, hydrofly?? haha
it has nothing to do with the music lah, it has everything to do with the money. metal gig cannot bring in money lah.

better to organise things like singfest where people pay a shitload of money to see some artists that they like and alot more who they don't give a shit about in one concert

if you want local scene to develop u got to support from the grassroots right?

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