Why is their such a lack of hard rock/metal concerts here?


New member
I've been here since Decemeber. I saw DREAM THEATER in Jan at Ft. Canning Park and that was excellent, but since then NO ONE I want to see has come to Singapore. Why?

Do the promoters here not turn a profit when they do a show like Dream Theater, Megadeth, Heaven and Hell ?? I know there was some black/death metal band called Dismember here the other night cause some1 on myspace told me about it but other than that...I can't think of anyone who's been here.
I am so starved for a good rock show I considered going to Elton John but wasn't going to pay $120 - $400 or whatever crazy price that was. The Police were here too not long ago, I considered that too but it was way overpriced compared to back home in America.

Even the Dream Theater ticket was a little expensive at $85. In my homeland I would've paid $50.

I also noticed none of the cd stores I go to carry the new JUDAS PRIEST, MOTLEY CRUE or WHITESNAKE releases. For full disclosure I am an old school rocker. All of those bands are on tours at the moment but it doesn't seem likely any of them will come here. Iron Maiden has been touring this year but nothing booked here.

Were those shows by Dream, Mega and H&H just flukes or experiments by the promoters here and they all failed to make a profit?

We ever going to get anyone heavy (& I don't mean black/death metal ...I HATE that kind of stuff. Nothing worse than some snot nosed kid insulting my spiritual beliefs while screaming and growling into a microphone)
you cant really blame them. its just not the in thing nowadays. the kids are more into other genres.

would you as a organiser bring in a band that you like or a band that that the public likes?

remember, your making money here, not losing them..

qoute on:
We ever going to get anyone heavy (& I don't mean black/death metal ...I HATE that kind of stuff. Nothing worse than some snot nosed kid insulting my spiritual beliefs while screaming and growling into a microphone)

seriously your way out of line to say all that.
music is music. everyone has their taste. you like chicken i like duck. but im not saying that chicken taste bad.
no one is criticising your music, so why are you critisicing others?
if there are people out there criticising you, obviously you dont like them right?
but then again how different are you from them with you yourself criticising others.
why not hate yourself?

dont get me wrong, im not hardcore nor BM.
im just a music lover.
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I totally agree with Aki S. Ian.
Organisers are generally profit-driven.
Though not all of them are, cause i know some are doing it for the passion and stuffs.
but people still need to make money to stay afloat and stuffs.
So you cant blame them at all.

moreover you have to cater to the common tastes of singaporeans.
you aint gonna bring in bands that aint gonna pull crowd for you right?
if you do so, you will make losses.

no hard feelings, totally.
but the kids these days are more into indie, hardcore and stuffs.

HMV brings in CDs if you are really keen on them though.
you could try your luck.
Lack of rock/metal concerts here? Lets see...in the past 3 years we've had Slayer, Slipknot, Dream Theater (twice), Megadeth, Malmsteen, Heaven & Hell and Walls of Jericho.

If you've lived here all your life...you'd know that's damn bloody good.
not only metal/even other genre...most of the artiste usually from Japan...then they will hit down to Oz...

I wanted to see like Iron Maiden, Brian Setzer, Stryper...Tang Dynasty from CHina...Juice Newton...and many more...

but they all never make it here...

psychosphere: it is not enough...considered very few as compared to other countries...

Usually only mainstream band comes here....

Singaporean are just not into music in general..
how about.. will people REALLY attend them, keeping in mind how much it would cost?

keeping in mind that pretty much everyone here is nursing a bad case of GAS.
Lack of rock/metal concerts here? Lets see...in the past 3 years we've had Slayer, Slipknot, Dream Theater (twice), Megadeth, Malmsteen, Heaven & Hell and Walls of Jericho.

If you've lived here all your life...you'd know that's damn bloody good.

Also must not forget Dragonforce last year and Helloween early this year! Psychosphere is right, things have actually progressed since the 80's and 90's. I think Black Sabbath came once in the 90's or late 80's, then there was Metallica which the authorities completely over reacted and had CID, K9 units, normal police and riot police waiting for us as we went into the indoor stadium. Bloody morons.

Trust me, compared to then, we are getting it good now...it's just that it's still a money business and most people here want to hear whatever nonsense that is being marketed the most.

I think Totally was stating his opinion on black and death stuff, but I don't think he was out of line or insulting...to me the insulting thing is the nonsense 'sun yanzi' kind of junk they play on the radio and force down our throats with the media. If you want to listen to it I won't begrudge you the choice, just don't expect me to understand.
I may totally disagree and despise your religious beliefs, but heck, you've got a damn bloody good point. You must realize that most singaporeans in general are popheads, resident pophead daryl can attest to that, but what the hell are you doing here!!! Tell me you're here not because you want to but because you have to, seeing that you refer to the USA as 'back home'. Once I have the chance I'm moving off to Tel Aviv or Zurich.
(& I don't mean black/death metal ...I HATE that kind of stuff. Nothing worse than some snot nosed kid insulting my spiritual beliefs while screaming and growling into a microphone)

Although I may be inclined to agree with you that we're lacking heavy rock/metal concerts here in Singapore, I'm quite, if not very, insulted by what you mention there.

I'm nt saying that i believe in the stuff they're saying there but if you ever stop to listen to one of them, you would definite realised that not many of those bands insult religion or what so ever, many of them are talking about something totally unrelated to religion. Although what they mention in their lyrics may seem to attack your religion, learn to look beyond that, then maybe you will understand why Singapore lacks heavy rock/metal concerts.

On a side note, if you really ARE rooted into your spiritual beliefs, then what can "some snot nosed kid" as you put it, do to your religion? Also, in my opinion, their screaming and growling are at a much, much, much higher standard than those of screamo and hard-core bands nowadays.

Just expressing what i feel here.
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So if black/death don't suit your taste, I'm sure hardcore techno would?

Too bad sparks closed down if not you can go there dance all you want.
It was this popular club in the 90's that was in the upper floors of takashimaya where they played really dodgy euro 'techno' of the corny vengaboys type...people would go there to 'dance' and get drunk and most of the time get into fights over staring incidents or skanky girls. Nothing wrong with that...just that the 'music' was atrocious! ;)
heres an article(page A20, go click next and read) in mypaper dated 17/7/08. Have a read if interested. Its about promoter and the cost.

we have only ourself to blame on where we are and having no ability/money to travel elsewhere to watch gig...

A lot of factors actually

No only boil down to the reception if the bands are coming here. why your tickets cost less in your homeland is because of 1)scale of economics. 2) sponsors. sponsors offload a lot of costs for the organisers to hold the gig in the first place. Less lucrative sponsors.. more they have to charge more to cover costs. also you must consider how expensive land space here is to rent to do a gig. even small gigs cost thousands let alone a big band like megadeth or what not.. u need to pay their travel, accomodation and some of them really demand diva treatment.

So coupled with those considerations only you can see where this thing is going. No company that organises big events want to go for losses. were talking bout hundreds of thousands to millions here. Its a big risk organising mega projects. Nobody wants to be a bankrupt
also, there's the Singapore Censorship Laws to deal with, especially for those Metal bands, whose actions are usually quite questionable lah.

tat's imo
We ever going to get anyone heavy (& I don't mean black/death metal ...I HATE that kind of stuff. Nothing worse than some snot nosed kid insulting my spiritual beliefs while screaming and growling into a microphone)

Put it this way. I'm feeling insulted too.
oh well, insted of complaining, if anyone really has any issues. you can always bring in the band yourself, that is if you can afford.

if not, then why complain.
this is life. get over it. though we yearn for things that we cant have, and we whine when we cant have it. you have to face reality.

actuallt spark was still okay compared to fire.

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