Almost New Yamaha Digital Piano – Barely Used!
Bought it in 2016 for $1,375.70 (before GST), but barely touched it since I never got around to learning piano. Comes with the manual, adapter, and pedals. Letting it go cheap to someone who will actually use it.
Letting it go for 600$. Contact me at nine-7-tw0-six-2-one-0-eight.
Thank you.
Bought it in 2016 for $1,375.70 (before GST), but barely touched it since I never got around to learning piano. Comes with the manual, adapter, and pedals. Letting it go cheap to someone who will actually use it.
Letting it go for 600$. Contact me at nine-7-tw0-six-2-one-0-eight.
Thank you.