Why are there WTS Guitar Gears in Sound Gear section?


New member
I've been seeing such threads recently. No offence to anyone personally who have posted prior to this, but I am seriously wondering the implications that such threads can pose to this section.

I know that your "ads" gets bumped down very fast in the guitar gear section. That is perhaps the reason why some chose to post your guitar gears here. But I fear that if thing are left unchecked, This section will suffer the same fate as that of the guitar buy/sell: ads gets bumped down to three pages back within a day. What makes it worse is that now those who are genuinely selling sound gears will have to compete with guitar gear owners for attention to their ads.

I would like to know other people's thoughts on this.

Also, I apologise if I am posting this at the wrong place. I just thought that this has teh most relevance here, is all.
Agreed. I'll post this at the Feedback and Suggestions section if I were you. There will be more attention directed at your message there. =)
Hmm.. well since i already posted this, perhaps James or one of the mods can do move it there?

Anyway, while it is here, hope to get the attention of those who are thinking of posting their guitar gears here too.
i see that there are 8k threads in guitar section as compared to others which have a max of 1k threads.

maybe the buy/sell guitar forum can be split ala the review forum? ie guitars and misc, effects, amps?
Are they selling guitars or pedals? Cause if im not wrong, guitar pedals can also be used on those sound stuff other than guitars :/
kerplunk182: The likelihood of someone buying a guitar pedal for sound stuff other than guitar, while common enough to warrant your point valid, is not common enough to warrant it valid for posting on the sound gear thread.

Guitar pedals are, first and foremost, meant for guitars. If you are looking for one for other uses, all the power to you, I guess. But if I were to look for a guitar pedal, I would just look at the section that says Guitar, even IF i am looking to use it for something else. It's just makes more sense that way.

About the ideas of having a separate section for guitar effects... I do not believe that it would be a good thing in the long run. After FX, it's amps. After amps, what else? Pickups, bridge, strings, picks, accesories etc etc. It is not as if the other equipments don't have their fair share of extras too.

True that a mark percentage of Softies are guitarists, and that bulk has been fighting over the constrains of one single guitar buy/sell thread for quite a long while. It's something that we grew to accept already, so I say continue living with it. I don't think the number of sections is the real problem. It's the BUMPING :P
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Uhuh... And they cover just bass.

Soft covers nearly everything about music. That's the difference.
that's not the point, and i know soft has more than just bass guitars.

i'm just saying talkbass is something you can extrapolate things from. soft could have another section for amps and one more section for effects and everything else music-related.
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That is exactly where the problem is gonna root from: One section for amp, one section for effects, and one section for guitar. And Squeeze everything else music related into one thread... It'll be a matter of time till someone else request a separate thread for, say, live performance equipment and studio/home recording equipment, not cos it's necessary, but more cos "guitar has separate threads for their stuff".

And we are just talking about guitar here. How about bass? They have their own amp and effects. How about keyboards? They have their own amps too.

What I am saying is that; I personally think that it's gonna be more of a mess rather than be helpful. I mean, I utilise the Guitar Buy/Sell section. I know it is a chore to comb through pages after pages of new deals, or bumping your thread up after finding it on page 17 after 5 days, but I lived with it. The problem of bumping threads every single day still exists, and that makes up the major reason as to why threads get pushed 3 pages back within a day. Otherwise, I think we would all be satisfied with just one thread for guitar.
Hmm strange i don't see people requesting for bass amp review forum, bass effects review forum, keyboards amp review forum, keyboards effects (WTH?!) review forum, Drums amp review forum, KFC drumstick review forum, Mixer review forum, mic review forum, mp3 review forum, speaker review forum, earphone review forum nor cables reviw forum even though there're separate guitar/effects/amp review forums around.

There's no need for a rocket scientist to discover that 9000 is 9 times more than 1000. I know the mess you are refering to but your argument does not support your reason. The mess would be people posting wrong things in wrong categories. Your argument is that people will start to demand sub categories for other instruments which is a differnt issue.

I would say it is still justified to open a guitar amp, guitar effects and guitars + misc forums to split up the traffic. Bassist, drummers and keyboardist will just need to look through 1 page of ads per day and not miss out anything. But currently guitarist need to sieve through 5 pages of ads of which 1/3 is most probably not even in the category of what they wanted to buy.

We're both fellow guitarist so i'm sure u can connect with what i am saying here: when we want to look for second hand gear, we will want to look for either amps, guitars and misc, or effects pedals and not all three. Going through 3 pages filled with all three categories a day is bearable but it is not necessary. I can safely say that, by the ratio of threads, bassist/drummers/keybordist will only have to look through 1/3 of a page if we needed to look through 3.

Its not really an alienated idea cuz look at the review section if you haven't already and you'll find out why. =)
Im a guitarist and I've only ever been in that section three time I think. Hurhurhur. Isnt it possible just to make sub-sections within each section? So makes it easier to navigate and search for the deal your looking for. Plus it wont mess up the front Forum page.

The only reason why things would get messy would be because a bunch of idiots arrive and decide posting their ads everywhere to get attention.
THOA, I have deleted the thread you highlighted. Thanks.

I believe these are users' error when the post are in the wrong forum section. We have to educate them to do it correctly.
James, what's your opinion on having seperate sections for guitar's buy and sell? Would it be helpful? Or would it mean extra work for the mods?