whose your 3 favourtie guitarist in the world?

1) Jimmy Page
2) scotti hill (no one like skid row?)
3) Izzy Stradlin (how come no one thinks of him as better than slash?)
IMO la ah...
1)Paul Gilbert (for his great picking technique and control of the instrument)
2)John Petrucci (great technique and sense of melody, his guitar parts with keyboard unisons are genius)
3)Jason Becker (beautiful melodies, intricate playing style)
well. yjm he just aim for speed. so basically he's just known for his speed. and his world record. yeah and he's famous for "unleashing his fucking fury!!" LOL
psionic said:
The 3 best guitarist in the world are:

1. Tom Delonge (the legend)
2. Benji Madden (Good Charlotte)
3. Jeff Stinco (Simple Plan)

Tom sucks at guitar, period.
The rest can't even get a nice sound... :?
wangdexian said:
psionic said:
The 3 best guitarist in the world are:

1. Tom Delonge (the legend)
2. Benji Madden (Good Charlotte)
3. Jeff Stinco (Simple Plan)

Tom sucks at guitar, period.
The rest can't even get a nice sound... :?

Ah well, everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Some may think otherwise. Nobody's the worst, nobody's the best.

1) Steve Lukather (TOTO)
2) Carlos Santana
3) Lee Ritenour

no one heard of TOTO meh? :?
*expectin some smart aleck reply that the only TOTO they know involves numbers and a lot of money :(
Steve Lukather's got really really awesome skills. i like. TOTO wudnt be TOTO without him.

and mr X! good take on scotti hill..i love skid row!!! Sebastian Bach has gotta have one of the best voices in the industry too! :)
Steve Lukather is an excellent guitarist. He was the idol of Andy Timmons. (: They were in Singapore this year, it seems. Odd I didn't hear about it.

Just a point here; I don't think YJM aims merely for speed. As Dhalif said, if YJM gets shit for speed, what about Michael Angelo.
i don't understand it really.. Michael Angelo doesnt get all this shit why should yngwie? cmon people listen theres tons of melodic stuff from yngwie... even so if you dont like him dont go around saying he's shit and blablabla.. it's fucking sad to see my primary influence being kicked around in SINGAPORE like that.. yes u heard me.. its only happening in singapore.. didnt had ne problems like these in america or australia.. they respect everyone's interests and influences and absorb everything they could get their hands on.. be it fast, weird or whatever.. (playing styles).. its really sad... i may not like steve vai.. but i respect him like any other musician and respect my guitar buddies that've been highly influenced by him.. anyway yeah fuck whatever ya know..
relac la dhalif...i respect yngwie not only for his technical prowess but his sense of melody despite using the harmonic minor repeatedly..i still manage to capture the hooks in his songs..angelo prob doesn't get shit cos of 'stunts' like 4 necked guitar during nitro days and double necked guitar..all sorts of stuff...his inverted playing..but he sounds quite mechanical imo..
dhalif said:
i don't understand it really.. ..
I have to disagree with you there. Dissing happens everywhere. Just log on to some global music forums and read what people say about the musicians they dislike. The dissing over here at Soft is tame by comparison. it's a relatively civil bunch here.