Which brand is recommended?


New member
Hi people! I was wondering if the drummers out there could help me out with this. My church is intending to get a drum-set soon, I know there's a lot of good brands(e.g. Yamaha, Pearl, DW, Carlos etc) out there but I need opinions from you guys on which is good and best to use for a congregation etc and ofcos future use. Recommends?
The best sounding drumset I've ever played had Pearl Export drums and Sabian cymbals, and very loud too. Better sound and volume than any Tama kit I've played actually, so Pearl gets my vote.
Firstly, budget. If you don't have a fixed budget, well. Your choices are wide. But since its for church use, please avoid Carlos if possible since you mentioned it.
IMO, Carlos is good only for entry level and beginners due to its value-for-money low price, but if you would to compare to other better ones like Yamaha, Pearl, Tama, it loses out.
Yeah, heard that Carlos sets are quite bad too, terms on sound quality and material they use. We have a budget of maybe 1k or less. So we might get a drum-set that is slightly average level if it's avail. I do not know if we can get a drum-set within that range. And the church members suggesting E-drums, which the cost can be off from the budget if those good ones e.g Roland TD12 etc... Still an issue, would appreciate if more rookies out there sharing their thoughts. Thanks mate!
Hello... First of all, what is the size of your auditorium? Will you guys be fully miking up the drums or partial mic up? Do you have experienced sound guys to do all the mixing?

To be honest, an average set of drums like Pearl Export or Yamaha stage customs will do the job. Once you mic up the kit, it is all down to the sound guy to mix it and can really do wonders through EQ and mixing. So the sound guy must be damn good...

But if u are just relying on pure acoustics it is going to be a tough job. If you are relying on pure acoustics then i think drums using maple and mahogany wood will be good. IF you are working on a budget below 1K its really very difficult in fact almost impossible.

An average kit that is reasonably good on acoustics will be Pearl export or Yamaha stage customs... Have u tried checking Mapex out? Should be ok as well...
Well if your budget is around 1k, I would suggest you go for a Tama Imperialstar or a Pearl forum, both rather decent sets for the cost.
Just remembered that the drumkit I played during my time as drummer in my church's youth group was a Tama Rockstar kit. Nice kit, but I'm not sure if Tama makes these anymore.
Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for the response!

lummer: It's not really a auditorium actually, we are combining 2 classroom becoming one as the auditorium which that building has is occupied with another church. We are located at Civil Service College, so prolly you guys can capture the size of the rooms. But CSC is not gonna be permanent place for us, we are looking for a larger place etc.

For miking, there's couple of the church members are well-experienced with it, so not really a problem tho. Still, I myself quite a rookie with drum, just played for a couple of years and plenty of rooms to improve. And about drumsets which ever is provided I just hit with the beat.

I've been playing with Yamaha and Tama, with a previous church for the youth ministry. So with brands and models I have to inquiry with the experienced drummer, since this the task that I have volunteered to do.

But what is your opinions on E-drums? For me, I would still preferred acoustic sets.
Yeah, heard that Carlos sets are quite bad too, terms on sound quality and material they use. We have a budget of maybe 1k or less. So we might get a drum-set that is slightly average level if it's avail. I do not know if we can get a drum-set within that range. And the church members suggesting E-drums, which the cost can be off from the budget if those good ones e.g Roland TD12 etc... Still an issue, would appreciate if more rookies out there sharing their thoughts. Thanks mate!

Are you in for a brand new set or a used set?
If I have 1K, i will settle for a good used set,maybe a Yamaha Stage custom/Pearl Export/Tama Stagestar with K Custom cymbals.
If you browse through the drums classifieds you should be able to find something within your budget......Blessings

Since you arn't in a permanent location, and you have no miking problems, you might want to look into getting a smaller set for portability and convenience, and also because I think it should be easier for a sound guy to make a small set sound big than a big set sound small. What comes to mind at the moment is the Yamaha Hipgig, saw someone selling it on this forum recently. Or Tama Stagestar- I've a refinished stagestar that I might want to let go. Those are pretty compact with good sounds.
With the room size you mentioned, there is no need to even mic the drums... In fact, you will really need to control your playing. The acoustics of the room is gonna be a huge problem for you guys... Is the room carpeted? If not the sound generated from all the instruments will bounce of the walls and floors. Its gonna be really nasty...

Again, based on your budget, can get E-drums? I thought E-drums are more expensive as compare to a simple acoustic drum? It is correct as mentioned by one of bro, it's easier for your sound guy to make a small set sound big than a big set sound small. But, as i said earlier, with your room size, you do not need to mic up the drums at all and there is nothing your sound guy can do to reduce the drums volume except for the drummer to control the playing and not whack so hard. Alternatively, u can dampen the drums. Check out one of the link that was discussed b4 that talks about how to dampen the drums volume.

Honestly, a good solution that is appropriate to your room size will be to use E-Drums. But as you have said, the location is not permanent and you guys will move to a larger hall so you have to decide. IF you get a acoustic drums, you need to control the playing and use simple small compact set up like the hipgig set. IF you use E-drums, no problem with volume... it can be adjusted... but you need a decent set of speakers and not those cheap speakers that makes the drum sounds funny. But if you guys are not concern about how the drum sounds... then its fine... Therefore, E-drums can solve your immediate issue of room size and potential sound problem but acoustic kit will prepare you to the next move of location but it also depends your next location will be big or not... if its similar set up with concrete flooring then its back to square one.
Hope all the comments are helpful to you.
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harvey_mason: To be honest, we have considered that too of getting a used set or a good quality used set. And with K Custom cymbals will definite, what more it's from Zildjian. Yeah, the sets you mentioned are not bad too, as I browse thru websites and forum about the sets. Well, still have to make a survey before decision comes. Cheers bro!

Composer of Requiems: I agreed with your solution of "make a small set sound big than a big set sound small" and for portability and convenience sake. I eyed on Yamaha Stage Customs or Pearl Export as the reviews I've read was quite convincing too. But its not just read reviews that counts, I rather preferred to try and give it a hit on it, that will convince me better.

lummer: Yeah its carpeted. I have experienced with those nasty sound too, they'r just bad and didn't produce the right sound.
Regard about the E-drums; I don't think we'r getting it(Due to price range and preferably to other drummers). As all of the drummers agreed with acoustic drum-sets. Still, I have to learn a lot more about drums and about reducing the sound etc. thanks for your sharing! Appreciate for all the replies, it helps a lot!