Where to get Midi Foot Controllers?


Intending to get one for my axe, and I only know that Citymusic has the line 6 ones but they don't work with the AxeFX so anyone has any idea where to get one?

Looking at perhaps the Behringer FCB1010 or maybe the Voodoo Labs GCP, actually anything that can work with the axe will do.
Thanks for the info, have never heard of the shop "The Sound Channel" which brings them in, before. Will definitely be checking the softstep out although it kinda doesn't have much switches.

EDIT: just saw the 11R video and it looks pretty impressive!
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haha there are presets for the 11R and AxeFX so thought you might be interested. I don't play guitar but I play bass and have been using it with my computer, the new software makes it much easier to use! Gotta warn you, it's pretty pricey (PM me if you want to know the price), but it's really really useful.
I've enquired about the price and its somewhat in the ballpark of what I've expected, still looking to do more research on it and exploring other options.