where to get full black hardware?


Well-known member
im looking for full blackhardware for my strat, bridge, tuners input jack etc,
anywhere i can buy them together?
thanks for the reply, im sure they have the black tuners but you sure they have the black input jack? thanks mannnnn
Check out Guitar Workshop at Bras Basah Complex. I went there yesterday to have a look and found black hardwares for what you need.
well, not exactly black hardware, and sorry to LadyInTears for hijacking!

Anyone knows where I can get gold hardware? haha more of toggle switch and jack for LP actually..I know zen has a gold toggle switch? But wanna see if I can widen my options
Well, if it's anything to go by, just purchased a normal input jack from tymc recently for $2.50 so I'm guessing a black one shouldn't go more than $5? At most $10? hehe..

Oh to add on, SV has black tuners as well, LIT..at $46 per set (Wilkinson EZ-LOK)
alrighty, back from a damn long walk and checked out most of the shops.
form what i saw ive seen NO black bridges and imput jacks at all, all they had were black tuners, damn