where to get floyd rose


New member
hi guys ,

i have a ibanez grg121bkn , its a fixed vridge . i was wondering if i could install edge 3 ( i think ) onto my guitar . if yes , maybe anyone could help me where is the cheapest and best place to buy it in SG , and where to install it .

The cost of installing an Edge 3 will exceed the cost of your guitar. Because the hole must be dug in the front and the back. And the tremolo itself isn't cheap. How about this. You keep this guitar fixed-bridge like it is. Fixed-bridge has its advantages and I swear by fixed-bridges. :)

Save the money, add on as you save, and you can get yourself an Ibanez RG350 or RG370. Those come stock with Edge tremolos.
I don't think the cost of installing the tremolo is the prohibitive part. Its more on the cost of the Edge 3 plus routing the guitar to fit a floating bridge.

You don't what the effect of taking out that much wood from the guitar will be. Also, I not sure if there is space on the neck to fit the locking nut.

Take EugeneSmasher's advice and buy a guitar that comes stock with one.
agreed a fix bridge is somewhat more convenient than a FR guitar but yea getting a guitar with a fr already would prolly be a wiser choice, besides if you wna use a fr guitar it's good to have another guitar in another tuning on standby, dont be like me haha bought my first guitar without knowing anything and look now im stuck with the same tuning, tuning is pretty much a pain :/

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