Looking for bassist and drummer!

Yan Cheng

New member
I am 19 and am currently putting together a band. More on the casual side and may go onto busking and doing gigs if we have the time and talent. But now it's more like jamming and enjoying playing music together.

There's no fixed genre of music. We play anything that members agree to play on. Each member will have a chance to suggest music!

Looking for:

A bassist
A drummer

Currently have a vocalist, keyboardist and guitarist on board. All are around 20 years old.

Don't have a place to practice together, so be prepared for the need to fork out some money to split rent for studio! It would really help if any offers for places are given!

We are planning to practice together at least once every two weeks, on weekends.

The key is to have fun! ( While being serious about music)

It'll be a fun and fulfilling experience if you are wiling to commit!

If interested please contact me at telegram @pinkcatyv.

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