WHere to buy Ibanez SR series and wat's the range?


New member
Hi guys.... I m new to guitars but have a keen interest in learning the bass. I need help as I do not know where to window shop and wat's the price range for Ibanez SR series. Hope guys can assist me...cheers
Swee Lee's the dealer for Ibanez, so you might wanna check there. However, if you don't mind 2nd hand stuff, do walk around Peninsula and Excelsior as there might be some there. Also, constantly check on soft, there might be pple selling.
Well I recently ordered the SR755 (it's damn light!!) from BGW, I got it for under 1.2k. Might wanna try calling/emailing Brendon and ask for a quote for a specific model you're looking for.
Well I recently ordered the SR755 (it's damn light!!) from BGW, I got it for under 1.2k. Might wanna try calling/emailing Brendon and ask for a quote for a specific model you're looking for.

Yes BGW is also a great place to get your guitar. Free service for life and nice christmas cards:)
Erm, I'm not too sure about the SR500 and below models. My first SR was an older SR700 model (~$900) that I bought from Swee Lee, and it was definitely a very good bass for those who've already been playing for sometime and wants an "upgrade". It's not as growly as I'd like it to be, but it's versatile enough for me to be able to play in a Japanese and English rock setting. Since you're starting out, why not get a Craftsman first, before diving further? My advise is to start out with a cheap bass first, to get down with the basics. Once you're done with that, then it's time for you to really dive into the "sound" that you want from your bass. As for me, I'm sticking to my current SR755, but definitely saving up for an ESP :D
my first bass was an ibanez gsr-200. my first 'non-starter' bass was a ibanez srx-500 which had a really powerful preamp. i don't care what people say, ibanez makes good basses.

just start with the best bass that you can afford. i wouldn't spend more on a grand because as your taste gets refined you stand to get very particular about what kind of tone you like.

to me sterling by musicman looks good. i guess they are supposed to sound like musicman stingrays or something. to know what a musicman stingray sounds like go listen to 'waiting room' by fugazi.

now i use fender jazz basses because of the stronger high end. if i had the money i'd buy a rickenbacker. but i can't even afford one used :(